Homepage slideshow fetching photos from the wrong place ?
I deleted my previous comment/questions. I found the issue. It was related to "smart galleries"
Hey everybody. I've just started working on my site, so everything is very rudimentary at the moment (basic copy/paste CSS/HTML). In regards to using the slideshow view on visitor galleries, is it possible to get rid of the thumbnails strip that drops down when you hover your mouse over the main photo ? I find its presence to be a bit of a nuisance and a distraction. I've heard the same from others' as well.
Thanks for any provided help.
Hey everybody. I've just started working on my site, so everything is very rudimentary at the moment (basic copy/paste CSS/HTML). In regards to using the slideshow view on visitor galleries, is it possible to get rid of the thumbnails strip that drops down when you hover your mouse over the main photo ? I find its presence to be a bit of a nuisance and a distraction. I've heard the same from others' as well.
Thanks for any provided help.
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