A boy and his dog.

My sister's best friend's almost 2 month old and his 3 1/2 lb companion, a Yorkie named Louis.
Getting the dog to stay was harder than getting the baby to stay.
I love walking into a mom's house and finding gorgeous hardwood floors.
All natural light, I fixed spots on her floor and cropped only. Mom's kitchen window open across the room at camera right.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/lkmadison/4590860556/" title="Andrew and Louis by L.K.Madison, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4058/4590860556_7a54623592.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="Andrew and Louis" /></a>
Getting the dog to stay was harder than getting the baby to stay.
I love walking into a mom's house and finding gorgeous hardwood floors.
All natural light, I fixed spots on her floor and cropped only. Mom's kitchen window open across the room at camera right.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/lkmadison/4590860556/" title="Andrew and Louis by L.K.Madison, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4058/4590860556_7a54623592.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="Andrew and Louis" /></a>
Haha, yeah. The title popped into my head as I was firing the shutter, actually.
It was mom's pillow and her living room floor, I couldn't resist.
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Don't worry. I can fix you in photoshop.
Mom already wants a copy and she hasn't seen the final yet. I told her she should frame it on the wall right above where it was shot.
And yes, they're going to be best friends- 3 1/2 lb Louis thinks he's a
fierce attack dog, very protective over Andrew already.
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Thanks for sharing.
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Yes, I know this. If I had my option, every house would have a wall of glass just for using natural light.
I actually have several versions of this shot, one with both softboxes on, pointing towards baby and dog, one with just one box on and then the natural light shot. The lights reflected off the floor too bad for my liking so I started killing lights. That was actually shot at 1/6 *handheld* and I have a much more blurrier version before I realized that it was a longer shutter than what I was used to.
Now that I'm looking at the EXIF, I'm shocked that I can hold that massive 40D with the 17-55mm still for 1/6 of a second!
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