There was a fire near my house a few days ago so I went out to it to take a few pictures of it. They are absolutely amazing, the whole row of houses would not be here without these people.
1. Portrait of a guy taking a break or something

2. More people taking a break

3. They climbed up the 2 stories to the roof where they were bashing a hole in the attic so they could stick the hose in here to kill the flames.

4. Portrait of one of them on what I think is a walkie-talkie

5. They broke off the roof tiles to let the smoke out. (I think)

6. There's the hose.

7. This should probably go before #6 but anyway, pulling up the hose.

8. Climbing to the hole in the roof.

9. One of them in the second story.

10. Picking away at the roof some more.

11. Aim and fire.

12. A few of them taking a break with sandwiches, water, and gatorade.

13. An enhanced firetruck. (not a portrait I know but I thought I'd include it anyway)
1. Portrait of a guy taking a break or something

2. More people taking a break

3. They climbed up the 2 stories to the roof where they were bashing a hole in the attic so they could stick the hose in here to kill the flames.

4. Portrait of one of them on what I think is a walkie-talkie

5. They broke off the roof tiles to let the smoke out. (I think)

6. There's the hose.

7. This should probably go before #6 but anyway, pulling up the hose.

8. Climbing to the hole in the roof.

9. One of them in the second story.

10. Picking away at the roof some more.

11. Aim and fire.

12. A few of them taking a break with sandwiches, water, and gatorade.

13. An enhanced firetruck. (not a portrait I know but I thought I'd include it anyway)

I wonder if the fire truck shot (#13) would look good as an HDR? It would give it an edgy feel.
Over all, very good captures!!
This has a tragic story behind it, it first started with a house to the left of this one. The house on the left had a fire (not sure what caused it) and the right side/backyard of it was burned but then the fire spread due to the wind to this house here where it consumed the living room, kitchen, dining room, pretty much the entire house, the only things that survived was the garage which is concrete.
I didn't put up the house pictures because I put this gallery here in the people section
I shoot a lot of our Firefighters and Police Officers at Work (nothing nearly as dramatic as yours though) and when the gallery's up I send the gallery link to any individuals I know on scene and to the stations and they love it. They get to revisit the scene, discuss the incident among themselves, and share the images with friends and family. My galleries are unprotected so they even download the images to their own computer and create their own slide shows, desk tops, etc.
It's just something I do to give a little back to these people and it's fun to do.
I'm just curious as to what lens you used for this series. The images seem to have the same characteristics as mine when I use my 70-300 VR.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Thanks for sharing.
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ktvu had it on. not sure if it's on their web site.