Street-Golden spiral DSS 50

Hi all,
I just the Sean's update to the challenge chatter thread and saw more examples of the golden spiral and the fact that it doesn't have to be so obvious but that your "subconsciousness will latch on"--with that said...Sean you said "clear as mud" but it helped, thanks.
1. Mother's Day--street finds

2.Food Vendors and Lovin'

What do you think?
I just the Sean's update to the challenge chatter thread and saw more examples of the golden spiral and the fact that it doesn't have to be so obvious but that your "subconsciousness will latch on"--with that said...Sean you said "clear as mud" but it helped, thanks.
1. Mother's Day--street finds

2.Food Vendors and Lovin'

What do you think?
Liz A.
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Personally I see more of a spiral flow in #2 starting in the lower right corner and ending with the kiss.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Thanks Kate--Originally this shot was more obvious to me as far as the golden spiral goes--ending in the bracelets as you said, but I keep thinking "bracelets" hmmm dull. So not so sure about this anymore. Thanks about the black and white.
Thank you. As I just told Kate originally I liked shot #1 better theme wise. Now that I look at this more, I think about the spiral being upside down and as you said ending in the kiss! YES!!! originally I didn't visualize it ending in the kiss which left me questioning the shot--but now I see it
Thank you.
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun..." Mary Poppins
I think I like the kiss better. He is so watchful and all of the other people in the FG either have their eyes closed or are really absorbed in something.
Well I was going for the"S" lol--I"m kidding--I didn't even see "S" til you mentioned it.
I think the more I look the more I like the second shot. I really appreciate your input, especially about how you see it as fitting the S theme--sometimes you just need fresh eyes.
All I can say is those poor judges--this is going to be a hell of a round to judge--it took me forever to grasp it.
The reason I am going with this one, it's because as you said, it has a story. The other image is not as strong in my opinion, now that i have looked at them for much longer.
Thanks for commenting.
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Thanks guys--the choice seems to be split 50/50
I have put image two into the gallery--just had to go with my gut.
DaddyO--talk about a passionless kiss right? She's leaning in, eyes closed and he.... well it speaks for itself.
Thank you much sir for that very nice compliment.
"I start at the kiss...then I get to the corn..." bet that's the first time that phrase has ever been uttered