
I came upon this in a churchyard (no surprise) with the morning light streaming down on it.
I did this HDR because the whites are really the subject. It popped in color, but pops more in b&w.
I did this HDR because the whites are really the subject. It popped in color, but pops more in b&w.

It is better to die on you feet than to live on your knees.....Emiliano Zapata
I agree. The HDR is done tastefully and not overdone. It does pop quite a bit in B&W.
This makes me not hate HDR as much as I usually do.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
I use HDR when the dynamic range is high, as it was here. I generally take 3 exposures and merge them in PSPX2 just the way they come out of the camera. PSP doesn't do anything to the exposures and I think that some software does. Either that or some settings are made in software that make HDR's look like cartoons.
If I do PP on the individual exposures before merging, the dreaded haloing/cartoon effects begin. I only do PP to the merged exposures.