Phase2 Firefox, Netscape viewing bug

smugbugsmugbug Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
edited August 17, 2005 in SmugMug Support
Have any Firefox users noticed that, after the Smugmug update, when viewing files in the "original" size in the traditional or thumbs viewing mode, the photo is way off to the right? This is after I've selected "original" as my preferred viewing size.

See here for an example (scrolling to the right doesn't help):

This doesn't happen in Internet Explorer:

This bug seems to happen with pretty much any browser besides IE (Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox...)

BTW, I am interested in the original viewing size (without using a popup window) because personally, I find that "large" (at 800pix wide) can be too small and a waste to a good photo. I prefer to upload 1000 or 1100 pixel wide photos, rather than the original 6MP file. Tech support has been trying to ignore me, telling me that people don't care about the original viewing size, and "large" is fine for everyone. I wonder if anyone else prefers slightly larger images to view...

Anyway, if anyone knows of any workarounds to this issue, that'd be great.


  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited August 17, 2005
    Haven't noticed that particular bug.

    I know that folks at smugmug central are checking on things and
    will likely look at these posts in the morning.

    If you don't hear, do send mail to the help desk.

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
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