Heading for a new 'career'

Would you hire me?
I feel like my resume should read
'plump, frumpy, forty something looking for an exciting high paying job but has only worked for herself for the last ten years and, while she knows a bit about a lot of things really isn't a specialist at anything. mother of 3 (now teenagers) so really good at multitasking, giving orders and taking criticism. would prefer to take and edit photographs all day every day, but can't afford to'
but it doesn't!! Had a bit of help, but I need to teach myself some things like MS Accell and maybe some html and CSS and even dreamweaver..........
got a haircut, now need some clothes. and I've decided that if worse comes to worse, I'll hawke my jewelery before I hawke my camera gear!!!!!!!!

I feel like my resume should read
'plump, frumpy, forty something looking for an exciting high paying job but has only worked for herself for the last ten years and, while she knows a bit about a lot of things really isn't a specialist at anything. mother of 3 (now teenagers) so really good at multitasking, giving orders and taking criticism. would prefer to take and edit photographs all day every day, but can't afford to'
but it doesn't!! Had a bit of help, but I need to teach myself some things like MS Accell and maybe some html and CSS and even dreamweaver..........
got a haircut, now need some clothes. and I've decided that if worse comes to worse, I'll hawke my jewelery before I hawke my camera gear!!!!!!!!

(hope I allowed to do that after many years of our on-line acquaintance...)
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Sending you lots of Luck
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Thanks so much for the support! I am always accepting of hugs - no ban on PDA
(public displays of affection) here!
This is very daunting and I truely feel very exposed, and not in control.
Anybody know of some good books or on line resources for quick mastering of html, MS access, etc?
Thanks again
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I have a book "Access 2000" I bought a few years ago that weighs about 3 Lbs, (read large). I don't know if this will help you or not, I am not up on the latest version etc. If so e-mail me and I'll send it off to you.
i'll be happy to help in any way possible.
i love your attitude!
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Gosh, Ann, that stuff happens in novels all the time. Used to be you would now become a super slim high powered CEO. I think the novels now would put you in slightly reduced circumstances, but you would be very happy!
I personally can't stand reading them anymore. I am 65, and it is not in my age group. We, hahahaha, have arrived.
If it can happen to anyone, it can happen to you, and these are not fairy tales. Good luck, yours is the age for it, you have the ability.............and the credentials. It is called, I think, "management".
During my Hi-Tech career I have interviewed and hired hundreds of individuals. If you need any help with your resume or just need a little moral support, please let me know
I too had to change careers a couple of years ago. It was/is tough :uhoh But, as Andy points out, you have a GREAT attitude. That will go a long way towards convincing potential employers that you not only CAN do the job but that you WILL do the job well.
Good luck Ann
Your support is great and really appreciated!
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I am actually applying for communications, public relations, graphics when they do not require real degrees...as well as administration and accounting kinds of jobs. Found a couple cool ones so far - communicatons officers with a special project in the Dept. of Education, Communication officer with photography skill required by the Metis Nation of Alberta, etc.
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Thanks andy! You are the best cheerleader I know!!!
I appreciate the support!
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So the job is
Admin Assistant to the Researchers at the National Institute of Nanotechnology.
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I wish I could remember being out of school only 17 years.:cry
Forgive my ignorance, but whatever is wrong for being self-employed for 10 years? Good luck in your quest, in any event. I've had at least 7 "careers", and used the skills gained in each succeeding one, nothing was wasted.
self-employed for 16+ years, and certainly not feeling inferior to the W-2 folks!
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Hey, you know what we've got that you haven't got?
Not a big deal, really, when you think about it.
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Well, I won't be playingwith anything more than a computer, photocopier and file cabinet. But I will be in an amazing learning environment and one of the most beautiful locations in this city - the university campus is lovely and ripe with photo ops!!!!
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As I am sure you know being self employed is a double edged sword - being totally self reliant means you have taught yourself an amazing amount of material and have faced an amazing variety of new situations. It also means you have no referrences to vouch for you, you cannot become unemployed and have the safety net that other Canadians rely on. In my case, I do not have any documentation to say I am certified in my knowledge of x,y or z. I haven't had to follow the strict guidelines that big corporations have to in terms of staff relations. I have been able to be a rogue about a lot of rules, have been able to be extremely flexible in my comings and goings, lots of things that the corporate culture isn't too fond of. It has been wonderful, but it is necessary to move on and find something new, exciting, challenging and more secure. And learn to play by the rules.....
Thanks for the good wishes.
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One more baby step - what a rollercoaster! Was feeling quite bummed about the exam - I really had to engage the creative bit of my brain to get through that thing - so am glad they weren't looking for someone that could quote chapter and verse about 'proper office management skills'.
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Attitude is Everything--as has constantly been repeated over and over again by Keith Harrell, a top training instructor and motivational speaker.
The rollercoaster, or the mountain, sure seems huge at the moment--but the little engine inside your gut which keeps on chanting "I think I can, I think I can", will surely make it.
Good luck to you.
For a deep understanding, turn to O'Reilly Press. HTML and XHTML.
If you're really serious, the standards aren't too long to read at www.w3.org
CSS1 and HTML 4.01 can be read from start to finish, don't bother doing the same with CSS2, it's not properly implemented by browsers yet, just learn the useful bits.
I pitty you having to use Access, not the nicest of databases, but fairly easy to get started with. Sybex wrote some good stuff on it back in 2002... But it'll teach you how, for database design theory turn to: 'Database Systems Concepts'. You should find it in a good library.
Send me a message if there's anything else I can do to help.
And good luck
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I've spent the last two weeks just doing regular chores and not learning any new stuff!
The interview is this morning.
I've also rewritten my resume yet again and have a collection of job postings that I will respond to once I have a better sense about this job. Having been on the other end of the hiring equation for too long, I really don't want to be that employee that leads the employer astray!
Anyway, here goes!
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Hope it went/goes well.
courage to change careers regardless of where you've been. Good on you!
Second, from what I've read here and learned from you, I would definetly
consider your experience valuable and worthy of consideration.
Best of luck to you in your job search!