good flash?

i need advise because im buying a flash unit in 3-4 days i can't get the canon 580ex since it's too expensive.. and i don't know what to get... I'm looking at the sigma ef-530 super... I'm also open for suggestions preferably in the 200$ range... :deal
Canon 7D, 450D, 50mm 1.8, 50mm 1.2, Mp-e 65mm, 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, Canon 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM, 580exII, some sigma lenses:D
The exII I believe has faster recycling times,b ut the older model has external controls for a lot of things which became menu driven in the later model. If you don't need the eyeball-blasting power of the 580ex/II, I find the 430ex/II very capable used on and off camera and off camera. I bought my 430ex as a refurb from Adorama for $199 about a year ago and have been very happy with it.
One in partic used for many many ks of shots ...
Can also be used as a master if used on a different (pre 7D) body should the need arise.
I highly recommend the Sigma EF 530 DG "Super" flash as opposed to the "ST" version. The Super has more variability in manual power settings (full power through 1/128th vs through 1/16th on the ST), an FP/HSS mode for shutter speeds faster than normal flash sync (which I find handy in strong daylight), second/rear-curtain sync and can act as both wireless master or slave in a multi-flash wireless setting.
The Super is more expensive than the ST by around $75USD, but I feel those extra features are very much worth the extra money.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Wow Ziggy Thank you! I actually had not noticed the difference and that I was now looking at the st instead of the super.
here is the link for the super (same extras but with the ef-530 dg "super") $224.79 would this be along the lines of your recommendation or are there other brands of flashes to consider in the same price range?
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums