Map This!
Ultimately I think the Google Earth thing will be great. At the moment it seems that with all the other changes to the layout it seems like maybe the SM team took on too much in one go - just my humble opinion of course!
One problem with the Google Earth thing is that you can only search by street name - but if I want to attach photos to a city name eg Phnom Penh or Bangkok then I have to either know the exact Lat/Long or I have to individualy drag the earth for each photo. It isn't useable for me in its current format. I understand that this is the initial roll out & that things will evolve, so hope this comment is useful.
On one of my photos I did drag the earth & set it up - but it now won't show the photos on the map at all. Also I now have a Map This! link on my front page which I want to remove - any idea how I can remove this? I will use the feature for my personal site (I have two SM sites) once the initial problems have been worked through. But I want to remove the Map This! link from my other site. Any help would be appreciated
Thanks very much
One problem with the Google Earth thing is that you can only search by street name - but if I want to attach photos to a city name eg Phnom Penh or Bangkok then I have to either know the exact Lat/Long or I have to individualy drag the earth for each photo. It isn't useable for me in its current format. I understand that this is the initial roll out & that things will evolve, so hope this comment is useful.
On one of my photos I did drag the earth & set it up - but it now won't show the photos on the map at all. Also I now have a Map This! link on my front page which I want to remove - any idea how I can remove this? I will use the feature for my personal site (I have two SM sites) once the initial problems have been worked through. But I want to remove the Map This! link from my other site. Any help would be appreciated
Thanks very much
others have asked for a "remove the map this" code for the front page -
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Thanks again - by the way, are you able to divulge the location of the shop in London where you buy your Cherry Ripes (or are you keeping it a secret in case someone else buys all their stock)
But, just in case you didn't try this, I went back and removed the latitude/longitude entries on ALL photos that I initially tested and that caused the "map this" to go away on all levels.
FRANKNOTE: Not sure if the details are documented anywhere yet (been busy playing). With the "map this" entries in place, you get EVERYTHING below the level at which you click. REALLY COOL when you have stuff all over the world in your various galleries.
If you are at a deeper/lower level gallery, again you get what is below that point.
This is quite cool and I already have a Realtor friend drooling over this concept. I thougt he was going to faint, when I clicked the "play" button
and the map and images started sequentially popping onto the screen.
- Frank
1) I can only search by street name - not great when I am searching for African or Asian cities/towns.
2) When I do find the location & click on submit for it I then have to go back into 'Edit Geography' and click update for the lat/long to be recognised
3) Some photos I have put up are still not showing when I go into map mode
4) The map will only show satellite mode & not map mode at increased magnification. I do have Google Earth on my pc but am using the 'Map This' function
5) The Google Earth icon isn't coming up alongside the RSS & Atom feeds - do I need to manually out it there?
Granted that some of this may be my pc (running XP SP2 & IE6) & some may be my brain, but if there are any suggestions I would be pleased to hear them
When I enter a city name, I get a city displayed (dunno which one, but it looks American)... but only one screenfull (a tile ?).
Zooming out shows a yellow background and the tile just gets smaller. <img src="" border="0" alt="" > I do NOT get to see the earth for some reason (tried various browsers).
Entering a city (even just to start a more detailed search) would be great. I have not a single address to most of my 20.000 photos <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Francois <slightly struggling>
Silver Cloud Publishing
My only concern is that, unlike if I go directly to Google Maps and type in an address, the smugmug maps system doesn't work outside of the U.S. I tried typing in an address in Canada, and I just get the default location in Cali. Even though it would obviously be a major undertaking to enable street addressing globally, there needs to be a way to at least recenter on a particular city in the world without having to zoom and drag.
Standing by,
[edit] Okay, things are starting to show up, slowly. I can place photos in Death Valley, Yosemite, but not Vancouver, nor my hometown of Irvine CA... Actually I can place photos at my local beach, but still no-show at my local lake or my street address. Hmmmmm how sporadic!
Also, when I click on the "map this" from my main smugmug page, it does not give me a US map now, it gives me the Yosemite zoomed in map, which was the last point I managed to get. I'd like to be able to make the "map this" button on my main page take people to a full US map, and maybe a "map this" link on specific galleries to a more zoomed in location...
Oh, and will I be able to add multiple photos to the same pinpoint location?
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Less convenient, but you can open a second browser window, look up the addresses with Google maps, then click the link to this link. The lats and longs will be displayed in the URL and you can copy and paste them.
I've been pleading with Google to open up their geocoding database. We have hundreds of influential subscribers from Google, so maybe...
fyi, you'll notice when you go to that we feature 4 interesting maps in links on the upper right. Click on those and you'll see what we've appended to the end of the URL to both zoom and center the maps. In other words, we took the default link provided by the map this button, then appended stuff on the end manually and baked it into a link to provide the fine tuning.
Another item that I haven't seen mentioned yet is how the pictures with map info tied to them are displayed after selecting "Map this". I would like to the see the pictures ordered the same as they are ordered in the gallery. I started to put coordinates on photos from a cross country drive I took, but the mapped pictures have no apparent order when displayed in the map view...
Perhaps I didn't read enough about the map feature - but the 'play' button doesn't work on my map either.
Yes, that would be great to have. I have some albums where the shots form a narrative around a site that doesn't match the order in time that the photos were taken, so moving around by time taken (it does that right now, right?) sidesteps the work I've done ordering the photos. Maybe if there were a way to toggle photos going by album order or timestamp in the map list and playback?
On the geocoded photos showing up, I've had no problems yet - mine all show up immediately. I haven't used smugmug's geolookup stuff yet as most of what I've been looking up is outside of the US...but Google Earth's good satellite footage has proved very helpful.
Love the feature!
The concern #1 below seems to be a google maps issue. Google Earth does the same thing and it is very annoying. I agree that there must be a way to type in a city for example, and not end up with a location in another part of the country.