Smugmug needs to put back the keyword display

Yesterday we heard some objections about keywords showing up below each photo, so we turned off that display temporarily to re-think it.
Upon further review, we feel it's so powerful a feature and so useful for consumers that we need to turn it back on. It is the single feature that has made sites like, technorati, and Flickr so popular. And if you watch people use it, you see how it lights up their world. We're under constant pressure to have them.
It doesn't show up if you don't have keywords. If you've got trash keywords, you can easily nuke them with the batch keyword tools. Or, if you're a power or pro user, you can nuke them with your customization.
In the future, we may be able to make displaying them or not a customize gallery option, but that would take time.
Sorry for the pain this will cause some users but we really need this gain for the others.
All the best,
Upon further review, we feel it's so powerful a feature and so useful for consumers that we need to turn it back on. It is the single feature that has made sites like, technorati, and Flickr so popular. And if you watch people use it, you see how it lights up their world. We're under constant pressure to have them.
It doesn't show up if you don't have keywords. If you've got trash keywords, you can easily nuke them with the batch keyword tools. Or, if you're a power or pro user, you can nuke them with your customization.
In the future, we may be able to make displaying them or not a customize gallery option, but that would take time.
Sorry for the pain this will cause some users but we really need this gain for the others.
All the best,
In my case: keywords originate from my desktop, where they have a totally different function (they help *me* finding *my* images) than they might have for the general public, so to me it would mean manually changing keywords when I upload to smugmug, which I wouldn't like. So could you please inform me how to customize my power account in *not* showing these?
I know some of the customization beans have been spilled already in here, but will there be a sort of customization manual showing frequently asked options?
Keywords not only give me a way to organize and find photos, but also gives gallery viewers another way to browse and find photos....
Thanks and keep up the good work!
(I think the redesign in general is pretty awesome! I did change that green color, though ;>)
marlof, if you want to hide the keywords, go into your co-branding settings and put this line in the stylesheet HTML section.
I really want take advantage of this new feature and see keywords below each photo. My photo keywords do not appear - what am I doing wrong?
When I click the Edit button, the text box pops up like normal, but I also get a browser error popping up that says:
Line: 279
Char: 2
Error: Object required
Code: 0
I'm using the latest non-beta IE. It happens regardless of what photo I'm viewing.
If I click the Cancel button below the keyword edit box, it goes away just fine. But clicked Save does nothing, the box doesn't go away. I get this error:
Line: 230
Char: 5
Error: Unknown runtime error
Code: 0
But, even though I get the error message and the text box doesn't go away, the edits I made to the keywords do in fact save! I just have to click Cancel after clicking Save to get the edit box to go away.