Speedlights or Strobes?

Hi, I've been using an SB-900 for a wee while and absolutely love this monster of a flash unit. I was about to fork out for a strobe to setup a fairly basic studio for portraits...
But I know that some photographers prefer to use just speedlights mounted on softboxes with the built-in IR.
So, the question is, speedlights, or strobes?
What are the pros and cons? Damned if I can find a decent answer online or in any of the magazines I've collected over the years.
Oh and I mainly shoot portraits of babies in the studio setting.
But I know that some photographers prefer to use just speedlights mounted on softboxes with the built-in IR.
So, the question is, speedlights, or strobes?
What are the pros and cons? Damned if I can find a decent answer online or in any of the magazines I've collected over the years.
Oh and I mainly shoot portraits of babies in the studio setting.
Speedlites have the advantage of being light weight and easy to place. Strobes are probably better in fixed locations with available power. Both use remote triggers and various light modifiers.
With three or four Speedlites, you can light a lot of things in many settings. They're great for on the go.
In your situation, strobes are probably better. It's a fixed location, you have available power. In a studio, you can set them up and leave them up. With a large softbox, this is an advantage.
Take a look through the sticky at the top of this thread for some hints on finding the right strobe.
Do you have lots of space, or tight space? speedlights generally take less room, even with softboxes.
Are you going to move the lights around a lot or just set them up and rarely move them? Other than simple adjustments, speedlights will be easier to move across the room because there is no cord to worry about.
Are you ever going to need to shoot on site? Speed lights are much easier to pack and again, no cords/power needed.
I would love modelling lights, but I move my lights from studio to location all the time and my studio is very tight. Plus if I'm shooting the speedlight bare/gridded it doesn't take up any room in the studio. I'm thinking in some situations a LED velcroed to the top of the speedlight may get me close.
My alien bees just sit on a shelf now...
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures