very new here
okay i have been a lurker for a while but I have a question for all you folks. I have seen allot of photos on the net with the effect I am looking for but do not know how there doing it. I am sure it's done in photoshop but beyond that I am lost. could some one give me a idea how to do it or point me to a tutorial on how to do it. Some call it cloning not sure if that is really what it's called I found a picture to day be it not really a good picture for an example but here it is.
any and all help appreciated
any and all help appreciated
OK, this is not cloning, but rather is a composite of two images. Yes, it is done in Photoshop. You need to plan it carefully, then shoot using a tripod so that the background remains constant. Then you put the two shots on separate layers in a Photoshop document and use layer masks to do the magic. The very best source of information on these techniques is Katrin Eismann's book, Photoshop Masking and Compositing. It's not a beginner's book, but if you have the patience she explains all the tools and steps in detail.
Thank you for the information.