mother and daughter session
Here are a few more from a session I mentioned in a previous post. This is my SILs Aunt and cousin.
But first a little was in the oil business and the 3 of them lived in some unique places including Viet Nam and Siberia. The daughter is quite mature for her age , she is 15, she actually did most of the flying from Tucson on their visit with us. For the last 8 or so years Dad worked over seas and came home a few times a year, so mom and daughter have always been close. A recent divorce seems to have made them even closer, 2 peas in a pod. I am not sure which one acts more like a teenager, well, yes I do, it is the mom ! I have never known a 15 yr old and her mom to be so close and like best friends, so affectionate. Mom would be lost without her, guess UofA in Tucson would be a great college for her !! I really enjoyed this session.





SKY KING series, or should I say SKY QUEEN, and cub!



But first a little was in the oil business and the 3 of them lived in some unique places including Viet Nam and Siberia. The daughter is quite mature for her age , she is 15, she actually did most of the flying from Tucson on their visit with us. For the last 8 or so years Dad worked over seas and came home a few times a year, so mom and daughter have always been close. A recent divorce seems to have made them even closer, 2 peas in a pod. I am not sure which one acts more like a teenager, well, yes I do, it is the mom ! I have never known a 15 yr old and her mom to be so close and like best friends, so affectionate. Mom would be lost without her, guess UofA in Tucson would be a great college for her !! I really enjoyed this session.





SKY KING series, or should I say SKY QUEEN, and cub!




I love what you did with 9. Where did you get the super cute frame?
Hey Heather! Not as cute as your stunning shots with helicopters and brides up in the snow but it is a start! And I only have desert nearby!
Did you notice the airplanes on her other shirt?
That frame is by Vincent Versace and it comes via OnOne software I think, but I am sure there are other ways to get it, he has several versions, I love them all. Thanks for taking time to comment.
Yeah it would have and some were posed like that but this woman has a personality that stands alone and hiding her in all the photos would be a shame. She is a lot older than you may think, and I think she looks pretty good. In fact she is probably old enough to be her daughter's grandmother. I like that fact that she appears to be the protector, the mother lion, adventurous and looking off to the horizon. Sometimes the images are not just about being as flattering as possible. Thanks for looking and taking the time to comment.
One question though (nothing to do with photography…)
In #8, the fact that she's touching the propeller puzzles me. Just about all the pilots I know are very, very sensitive about anyone (including themselves) handling the propeller; in #8 it just looks a bit weird, that's all…
Nice pictures!
- Wil
1: Very nice, I bet that one will go on the wall
2: Not my piece of cake
3: not working for me - at all. the background looks "dirty" + you have something going on the bottom right of the chair (did you clone something??)
4: fun shot (might just watch that bra strap next time)
5: Probably my favorite, love it
6: Haha, cute
8: I like the pose, but definitely enjoying the processing you did in #9 more , I think that makes the photo work realllllllllly well
Thank you! #4.. that is not a bra strap, it is a tank top or camisole, I think she wanted it to show, well at least it showed all day long and she never attempted to move it, s you can tell it was really lose fitting anyway. I think she likes the loose layered look, even if it looks like her under garments are showing. And that is a popular look for dancers in particular. My DD wore it, drove me batty!!