Ext imp google analytics question
What is going on with GoogleAnalytics?
I went from numbers that made sense (and made sense with SmugMug) to numbers that are extremely ridiculous. If this is peculiar to the way my site is designed, I NEED TO KNOW THAT NOW. This is the third time I've been targeting something majorly wrong in stats and the past two times I was thanked by you guys for noticing things that needed to be addressed (only it took weeks to get that acknowledgment). If Mr. Markham is around, you know who I am, and that this truly might be worth taking a look at.
So, here goes:
My numbers this month were increasing in a healthy manner, in keeping with the healthy increase in content coverage I was posting. AGAIN -- I AM AN ONLINE NEWSPAPER, NOT A WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER LOOKING FOR WORK.
Up through May 20, everything was pretty much understandable. A low of 67 visits, a high of 200 visits, and mostly every other day a health number above 100. Then, MAY 21. (Anything to do with Google Caffeine? Did it go live?) Visits show up to 1,510. Yes, 1,510. Today, May 22, the number is already over 300. That would be great, except for the fact that the number of pages per visit has dropped dramatically (dramatically, repeated for emphasis) as, too, the time on site, from minutes to seconds.
WHAT IS GOING ON???????????????
Meanwhile, the views on SmugMug have been holding steady, meaning that they are making sense day to day. No major and ridiculous spikes or anything from May 20 to May 21 or May 22.
PLEASE, ANDY, DOC, MARK, whomever, please help me this.
I went from numbers that made sense (and made sense with SmugMug) to numbers that are extremely ridiculous. If this is peculiar to the way my site is designed, I NEED TO KNOW THAT NOW. This is the third time I've been targeting something majorly wrong in stats and the past two times I was thanked by you guys for noticing things that needed to be addressed (only it took weeks to get that acknowledgment). If Mr. Markham is around, you know who I am, and that this truly might be worth taking a look at.
So, here goes:
My numbers this month were increasing in a healthy manner, in keeping with the healthy increase in content coverage I was posting. AGAIN -- I AM AN ONLINE NEWSPAPER, NOT A WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER LOOKING FOR WORK.
Up through May 20, everything was pretty much understandable. A low of 67 visits, a high of 200 visits, and mostly every other day a health number above 100. Then, MAY 21. (Anything to do with Google Caffeine? Did it go live?) Visits show up to 1,510. Yes, 1,510. Today, May 22, the number is already over 300. That would be great, except for the fact that the number of pages per visit has dropped dramatically (dramatically, repeated for emphasis) as, too, the time on site, from minutes to seconds.
WHAT IS GOING ON???????????????
Meanwhile, the views on SmugMug have been holding steady, meaning that they are making sense day to day. No major and ridiculous spikes or anything from May 20 to May 21 or May 22.
PLEASE, ANDY, DOC, MARK, whomever, please help me this.
If you want me to answer any specific questions, I'll try my best.
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1. Visits counted by GoogleAnalytics, May 1-20: 2,551
2. PageViews counted by Google: 57,646
3. Boune Rate by Google: 35.79%
4. Pages Per Visit by Google: 22.6
5. Average Time on Site: 5:20
6. Percent New Visitors: 64.52%
1. Visits: 1,510
2. PageViews: 1,614
3. Bounce Rate: 94.24%
4. Pages Per Visit: 1.07
5. Average Time On Site: 5 seconds
6. Percent New Visits: 97.62%
1. Visits: 1,406
2. PageViews: 1,502
3. Bounce Rate: 94.17%
4. Pages Per Visit: 1.07
5. Average time on site: 3 seconds
6. Percent New Visits: 98.22%
Today is shaping up to be the same.
So, PLEASE, some insight from someone. I do not have a site that warrants such a drastic change in numbers.
Seriously, I need some insight here.
If you need the coding to get into my GoogleAnalytics, I will share with Mark, Doc or whomevver, just like I did the last two times.
I'll wait to hear back, but please give me a periodic notification, even if it is just to say "working on it still."
I'll check in, too.
What bigwebguy is looking at is something different.
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Might be unrelated, might not be. Linda, would you please switch to the new integrated google analytics instead of using the snippet in your customization. I'd like to see if anything changes after you do that.
instructions here:
If you are there, please answer my questions as I go through this, and thank you very much for your help.
I copy and pasted my UA-XXXXXXX-X coding into the control settings for the "integrated setting" and removed the "snippet" from my advanced settings.
This is what I removed:
<script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-3091072-1";
Just want to make sure I did the right thing.
Thank you so very much for this. What should I be looking for?
Traffic isn't a bad thing but increased numbers that correspond to incredibly high bounce rates and incredibly low page views and horrendous time on site (seconds, not minutes) is a truly bad thing. Looks like this might not just be my problem or yours. I trust the people at Smug will get to the bottom of this -- quickly. Thanks for sharing.
Linda, we are helping. Bigwebguy is neck-deep in GA. Stay tuned please.
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Thank you.
Very much.
Something is going wrong...maybe something to do with smugmug implementing the code for GA? I did just move my tracking code to the new smumgug field and took out the code on my advanced customization field today. I was hoping that would solve the problem, but I'm still seeing ridiculous numbers.
I'm hoping there's a solution here...
Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer
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Here's the deal: I haven't done much with my site in a long time, and I'm slowly working on getting it back up and running. In the mean time, I average 2-3 visitors a day. On the 21st, GA shows 100 visitors (quite the record for me) but with the same 1 page per visit and no time on the site that others are seeing. When I drilled down though, it looks like it was really just 2 visitors. E.g. when I looked a browser stats, 67 of those visitors had firefox and 33 had chrome. Screen colors shows 67 at 16-bit and 33 at 32-bit. 67 visitors from one ISP and 33 from another, etc.
The next two days I only had a total of 11 hits, but still one pageview per visitor. Today I'm back up to 50, but again drilling into the stats shows 44 of those came from one browser, 3 from another, and 3 from a third; 44 visitors had the same bit depth; 47 had flash; 44 had java; 47 on Windows; 44 from one ISP; I think you get the point....
Not sure whether this is on the SmugMug side, or GA, but the timing of it right after SM adds a GA related feature makes it seem rather funny to be on GA's side, and I can't seem to find any reference to people outside of SmugMug screaming about this....
Thanks! Glad to hear you found a solution!
Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer
Pittsburgh Wedding Photography Blog
I would like to know, here on in private email, what the issue was. You mention "cookies" so that must be a part of it.
Also, please answer:
1.) Will the numbers be re-adjusted? In other words, the numbers that were dramatically off, will they be re-set so that I won't be showing (over time, i.e., year-to-date, such a dramatic drop in pages per view and time on site and dramatic increases in bounce rates? (Again, while the "increase" in visitors is nice, not so much when the stats show they were on site for virtually a second. This averaged in with more healthy numbers shows a marked decrease in site engagement.)
2.) What can be done on my end to avoid this in the future? Anything?
Thanks again,
there is no way to fix the past days of incorrect tracking. i'm sorry for that. You can always exclude those days from your reporting.
this was a bug in our implementation of the tracker, nothing you did.
thanks for your patience.
Thank you for getting back to me on this. I wish it were that easy to remove the few days (or more) of tracking, but it is what it is.
I haven't checked the analytics yet, but I'd like to know this:
I switched to the "google tracker" and took out the snippet code from my advanced customization. Will my numbers moving forward still be comparing apples to apples and oranges to organes? In other words, does the "google tracker" collect/report the same numbers as if I were back with the code snippet in advanced customization? Or do I need to switch back?
I also would recommend that some care be taken the next time something is launched (as I'm sure you do already). But maybe a quick note here would help. The last time I spotted something amiss with GoogleAnalytics, which turned out to be something amiss, it was when NiceNames was introduced. That time it took a bit longer to convince people something was odd, so I am very heartened to have not had to wait so long this time. And for that, thank you. I trust when I look at the figures later today or tomorrow all will be back to normal. I'll let you know if I have an issue.
But, please, answer my question above. That would help, too!
Thanks again,
entering your code in the control panel tracks the same way as adding the snippet in your footer. it allows us to optimize the tracking to make pages load faster, make sure everyone is on the latest and greatest version of the google tracking code and to more accurately track pageviews.
Thank you for your quick response.
Using the control panel is a great idea in terms of ensuring things run smoothly over time and in step with updated versions of the Google tracking code. That there was a glitch, oh well. It was fixed in a matter of days and not weeks and I'm sure lessons were learned from it. Thanks again for your work on this, and for letting us in the loop on what had happened. It adds to that feeling that we're in this journey together and that over time the trust we develop is a good thing for addressing issues in a timely manner.
Thanks again,
Please, what is the new "Google Analytics-Web Property ID" that now shows up on our Settings tab under the control panel? I just loaded GA a few weeks ago and still learning the ropes... But I haven't noticed this on SM before. Do I need to put some code here?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks Denise! I missed that one....
Also nicely described right here in our awesome help pages http://www.smugmug.com/help/control-panel
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This entire forum is brilliant, btw... so much information. Thanks again for your help.