Are these programs scary for a vista pc?

I’m running a Vista pc and its had many problems of late. My computer guy that built it said it’s because I run ‘scary’ programs. The programs are Firefox, Spyder monitor calibrator, Capture NX and iTunes. Surely these main stream programs wouldn’t be the cause for the pc problems ; freeze, lockup, occasional blue screen? Anyone have issues with these on their pc? :dunno
Thanks much!
Thanks much!
~AnnaMaria~ My little life in God's big universe
FireFox??? ROFLMBO
Time for a new PC guy. Most of us that moved to FireFox did so because it was a more secure browser than that really scary piece of software called Internet Explorer.
The only one there that has been a problem for me has been iTunes. It won't let our home XP computer boot if it is plugged into a USB port, even if the USB port is not on the list of boot devices.
I won't install it on my Vista photo PC.
You mean it won't boot if your iPod is plugged in? That's different from iTunes causing problems...
To the OP, the types of problems you are having are almost always (over 99% in my experience) caused by one of two things: Bad hardware or bad drivers. The programs you list are in no way "scary". It really sounds like you need a new computer guy!
Exactly.... thank you for filling in the blanks and clarifying this.
Buy a Mac and never worry about this stuff.
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Vista + 4M RAM should be just fine. I run Vista 64bit here with 4M RAM.
The thread you are looking for has likely been archived.
Here is some info on browsers and color management.
Why 'build' a computer? Would you have a 'TV guy' build you a television set?
And the supposed 'expertise' of someone who sells you Vista has to be a worry.
Ooops. I think Newsy means 4GB of RAM. It would be amazing if one could run any modern operating system on 4M of RAM!
Oh, and as an IT professional who teaches "computer diagnostics" at the college level, I agree wholeheartedly with W.W.Webster!
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Oh not true! I used to use a Computer guy to build my stuff, and still would if I was still located there. Using a computer guy to build can save you money, or ensure that money is put towards the correct areas. Also you have the bene of not having to de-crapify your new machine loaded down with chaff, such as you might find at a retailer.
In this case though, lose the Comp guy and....
Freeze, lock-up and Blue Screen? Whew...sounds like something is incredibly wrong within the box....and prob more hardware related versus software related.
just don't leave them open all at the same time , only the ones you need
especially when editing photo's
4GB RAM is maximum for 32bit pc's
if you can [ afford it ] upgrade to windows7
way much better
if blue screen comes back
make a note of the error code [ 0x000000number ]
sometimes , not always , answer can be found w it