Grand Isle, LA oil spill advice
Months ago we planned a trip to New Orleans. Since the Deepwater Horizon disaster I've been watching the news, so yesterday I saw that some of oil had reach Grand Isle, LA. This seems like a (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see an acute ecological disaster in progress, so I'm planning to take a day trip.
I'm looking for nearly any advice anyone has, particularly from LA locals. Is it still possible to get to Grand Isle? ie, has access been shut down. Will they keep people like me away from the beaches? Is there any particular place/time I should go? Is this a bad idea for some reason?
Thanks in advance!
I'm looking for nearly any advice anyone has, particularly from LA locals. Is it still possible to get to Grand Isle? ie, has access been shut down. Will they keep people like me away from the beaches? Is there any particular place/time I should go? Is this a bad idea for some reason?
Thanks in advance!
Hi BeaKeR,
I am by no means a photographer, i actually stumbled upon this 'googling' the latest update on my beloved Grand Isle.
We have had a fishing camp (what most people outside of Louisiana refer to as a 'beach house') for over 20 years. To make a long story short... I've spent almost every warm weekend fishing the passes, bays, and beaches of grand isle.
To answer your questions... NO, access to Grand Isle has NOT been shut down!!! I am over joyed that people outside of our area would be interested/understand what exactly is at risk here. If it is at all possible, PLEASE try to come, and photo document exactly what is at stake. Our local community is DEVISTATED, and saddened by the response (or lack there of) to our way of life.
While my family has simply enjoyed everything that our coast has to offer, and are not dependent on it for our livelihood. That is not the case with some of our closest friends that live / work on the island.
As for the rest of your questions...
There are several places around grand isle that are accessible by boat, and are of particular important for the marine/bird life.
The first... a small island in the bay of Baritaria called 'Queen Bess' (by some of the locals known also as bird sh*t island). It is one of the nation's largest Brown Pelican Nesting Ground. This probably explains the alternate name, and trust me... if you are down wind... you'll understand too.
We were there 2 weekends ago... and there had been small to no repsonse to try to protect this EXTREMELY important brown pelican home. On a good day, there are so many pelicans on this island you wonder how they have room for any more (P.S. this is where i believe yesterday they found the oiled pelican eggs).
More so, Elmer's Island (another estuary)
Manilla Village
Grande Ecaille
and too many more to add.
Other than that, obviously the beach.
More so, I would suggest trying to stay at 'Sand Dollar Marina & Motel. That is more of a personal choice as I would like some revenue headed to my favorite marina. If you are there ask to talk to Mr. Jesse. He is the 'pulse' of that marina, and knows anything you could ever want to know.
Lastly, on the 'do's and donts'... I'm sure I don't need to say this, but as long as your are respectful of the situation and the pride these people have in their businesses, culture, and home... they are overly friendly and welcoming.
While down there, if you would like to "pass a good time" head to Artie's Sports Bar. It has the most beautiful deck view of the gulf in grand isle.
Message me... we can talk... if you would like i may be able to take some time (and our boat) and show you around myself.
Hope this helps, and I hope you think about taking me up on my offer.
I'm fairly well traveled, and this is my favorite place on earth. As you can imagine, my heart is broken.
WOW, that is great info, thank you very much! I'll message you separately regarding your kind offer to act as a guide.
I've done some more poking around, and it appears that they just recently shut down the beaches and parts of the bay. It seems possible that the entire area might be off limits by the time I get there - I guess I'll just have to play that by ear.
Thank you again,
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