CCD Going Bad?
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, it looked like the best for me.
I have a Nikon Coolpix 995, and all the pics I've taken over the past month or so has 2 green pixels and 1 red pixel at the same place on each pic.
- Is my CCD going bad?
- Is it worth repairing? (I would like a more compact camera, recommendations appreciated)
- Irv Rollman, Denver
I have a Nikon Coolpix 995, and all the pics I've taken over the past month or so has 2 green pixels and 1 red pixel at the same place on each pic.
- Is my CCD going bad?
- Is it worth repairing? (I would like a more compact camera, recommendations appreciated)
- Irv Rollman, Denver
- Irv
Other than that, I dont think its worth replacing, personally... But then, I dont really know anything about digital camera repairs and their related costs...
Some other nice cameras are the Canon Powershot G5 or G4, or even the G3 (if you can still find it around)... And the Nikon Coolpix 2400, 5400, 5700, or even 8700...
Sorry, I forgot that youd wanted references for smaller cameras, and the those coolpixes, and event the powershots for that, are not as small as youd probably like...
As far as Im concerned, anything with as narrow an aperture range as the T1 is a tad frightening when you consider its more expensive than its counterpart, the W1... The T1 looks like a solid camera, but I dont know if Id trust it to focus in low light, or even capture low light pictures without a longer exposure or absurdly batter-draining flash... The other camera I have experience with first hand is the DSC-P10, another smallish 5Megapixel point and shooter... I would recommend this camera on the basis that its a pretty good "on a whim" picture-grabber. My mother has one of these, and during our trip to Italy she kept taking off-the-wall pictures (shes a bit eccentric:D
Then theres always those Coolpix's! The one that looks like the sweetest one there, but is a bit less compact than the W1, is the Coolpix 5400! I especially think that one is sweet since the lens at its widest is 28mm! Thats what my f828 gets to, and the zoom on the 5400 is pretty decent! It has a lens thread, a very good aperture range (almost as good as the f828's), a pretty damn good burst ( 3fps?! NICE!), and you can shoot in TIFF mode! All in all, by the numbers and the features, a very sweet machine! Thats one camera I might choose over the W1 for several reasons, if only just to try out (Im only familiar with Sony's setup right now...).
Well, hope that helps some!
Manual focus, a hot shoe, four quality levels, four flash modes (not counting "off")? Mmmmm... Looking very tasty to me... :slurp Plus, with the lens thread, you can use filters and stuff!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Makes sense, right?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
- this is a long discussion using your specific camera as an example...a lot of good info here
- this is a software program that eliminates hot pixels...I found this with a google search, and I don't know how good it is
In my opinion, I don't think it is worth getting a new camera over this problem since there is no guarantee the new one won't have a hot pixel as well! However, I might be singing a different song if I was the one with the hot pixel in the first place!
Why hasnt anyone invented the upgradable digicam?! The same body you know and love, but with a certain "unit" that consists of certain electronics (sensor, processor, and sensor/processor-specific electronics) that can easily be replaced with a new "unit", kinda like a cartrigde of sorts... That would rule! Maybe they could even have slightly more advanced "retro-fits" for old film cameras! *Sigh* Alas, I dont think the industry would support this, as there a few too many people unqualified to do more than tie their shoes and drink coffee that would ruin their stuff trying to follow the directions...
Anywho, Ive convinced myself, inadvertently, that the Nikon Coolpix 5400 may just well be my next point and shoot, if its not the CyberShot DSC W1... Im leaning towards the Coolpix, though... So if ya' gonna upgrade, make it a good one!
Have fun.