Night Heron, +find gr heron
I like this one best. 400 ISO, I could run it through neat ninja, but I forgot.
My backpack had disappeared, no idea if I would find it, but I did think I would see my backpack before I saw another one of these the way things have been going. He was backlit. I even tried the flash. It is not my favorite, nothing to tug at my heartstrings, but I do think it is a good photo of a Night Heron, and that is what I went for.

I went to get a night heron shot and to get a green heron. This is the green heron, hahahahaha :lol4 , if you can find it. It is not only colored in camouflage, it is hiding. And it is the best I have.

These birds showed up about a month or two ago, they were plentiful, and close. It is a good thing I still have those photos........
I did some white birds tonight, too. Basically that is all for the other day. I will post the "white" birds tomorrow. Rather than naming them individually, I am just going to say they are white.
My backpack had disappeared, no idea if I would find it, but I did think I would see my backpack before I saw another one of these the way things have been going. He was backlit. I even tried the flash. It is not my favorite, nothing to tug at my heartstrings, but I do think it is a good photo of a Night Heron, and that is what I went for.

I went to get a night heron shot and to get a green heron. This is the green heron, hahahahaha :lol4 , if you can find it. It is not only colored in camouflage, it is hiding. And it is the best I have.

These birds showed up about a month or two ago, they were plentiful, and close. It is a good thing I still have those photos........
I did some white birds tonight, too. Basically that is all for the other day. I will post the "white" birds tomorrow. Rather than naming them individually, I am just going to say they are white.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
yes I think yours and mine are the same
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and for stopping to look.
Yes, we seem to have the same bird for the most part.
Is yours sticking around? I know you are doing raptors now,
but I don't have a raptor stash and my other birds are diminishing.
(what do you think about my hidden green heron? That is why I like everyone else's gr herons so much)
Maybe I should have asked for comments........ I will keep the little gr heron, just to keep him, but I don't expect to sell that photo or anything.
Kind of same on the Night Heron, though with Ninja and stuff, I could see him on a deck of cards.
What do you all think? I was hoping for redder eyes on the N heron, but w the backlight and all, they just didn't come up.
OK, rt now I don't care, you all can criticise these birds. The exif is 400 ISO on the NH and 800 on the GH. 1/160 shutter speed. The problem seems to be in the aperture, it says f 20.
And I can even tell that was not something good, or intentional. The night heron, in particular, did not look underexposed, but perhaps he was. Maybe that is why the eye did not come up bright red. At one pt, I noticed that my camera was on shutter priority rather than aperture, that was just a mistake, I must have turned it accidentally. I never shoot that way, so I would not have consciously set the shutter to anything reasonable. I was concerned about my backpack having disappeared.
I am sending off my lens today, no strong desire to shoot right now, not these birds, they are so hard to find, and we are having heavy afternoon lightening storms, etc. Bill can't go with me as he is out of town.
You know I think it would be neat for smugmug to do a deck of cards. I haven't seen that done.
Since you asked for critique I'll give you my thoughts.
The first one is very well composed. To me though the backlight is so bright its distracting. I think its very hard to get good colors when your backlighting is so bright.
The second one is a nice capture of the bird in it's natural environment but the light is so bright it's washed out all the colors.
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it IS a green heron is'nt it??
That sure is a little green heron and a very good get. Did he stay or did he run away? Mine get more skittish every time I "see" one. And that is less and less often. Maybe they went north to escape the heat.
Is this around your place, or were you south? The trees are so big, almost look southern, if a tree can look southern........
I love your little blue with the reflection. I don't get many reflections in green gunk (sorry, algae, smile.).
Thanks for stopping and contributing. I love the way the green heron is looking around. Of the herons, I think the green is my favorite.
In general, I still love the wood storks, and I read they will go south soon, though why I don't know, it is still warm enough here. Of the small, very small birds, the ones I can't shoot (can't catch them), I love the little yellow ones, finches, something. There was one at Julie's feeder, one morning. I just caught a glimpse and it was gone. Might have had something to do with the 6 dogs going outside.:D
Thanks, Lynn,
photography, when it's not all about the food, it's about the light.
you can quote me on that
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You are right, as usual,