More critical
You can be more critical than that if you want to. I sent you a reply on my e-session. I will try to number going forward.
Agnieszka, try this: "Photos Appearo!" And make sure to roll the "r"s or it won't work.
I can still see them. Well most of them. The first one has a red x. I don't know why since I am usually the one that can't when everyone else can.
But I'll give poor Samantha some C & C since I am the sole viewer.
First off, it would be helpfull to see the photos quite a bit bigger. These are rather small for real critique. Smug mug L and XL are fine for most monitors.
The brides poses seem very stiff. Almost like her back has to be straight or something.
Practice getting your brides/ femail clients into a "s" curve. It takes time to figure out how to explain that, but get a book on posing to start with and you can point to a photo and say "do this".
Work on keeping hands and feet in the frame... before you click make your eyes wander around the outside edge of the frame to make sure everything is fitting. Feel free to go a bit wide and then crop in a bit later, keeping room for all aspect ratios, like the 8 x 10, which is almost square. That is much better than cropping off body parts. The second to last is under exposed by quite a bit, and the veil crossing the middle of the face isn't really working for me.
You found some really fun backgrounds with vibrant colors! I love that! Way to see the inspiration for that!
It appears that the gallery is password protected, try unlocking the gallery or move the images to an un-protected area. I viewed the source code an copied a link for one of the images and that is how I found it is in a protected gallery.
I looked your smugmug galleries, though, and you have some nice wedding pics there.
Don't worry. I can fix you in photoshop.
I love your colors!
SneakyFeather, you must have some magic powers ... I ain't see nothing
I can see my images too. Any suggestions for what may be happening or how to fix it.
You can be more critical than that if you want to. I sent you a reply on my e-session. I will try to number going forward.
I can still see them. Well most of them. The first one has a red x. I don't know why since I am usually the one that can't when everyone else can.
But I'll give poor Samantha some C & C since I am the sole viewer.
First off, it would be helpfull to see the photos quite a bit bigger. These are rather small for real critique. Smug mug L and XL are fine for most monitors.
The brides poses seem very stiff. Almost like her back has to be straight or something.
Practice getting your brides/ femail clients into a "s" curve. It takes time to figure out how to explain that, but get a book on posing to start with and you can point to a photo and say "do this".
Work on keeping hands and feet in the frame... before you click make your eyes wander around the outside edge of the frame to make sure everything is fitting. Feel free to go a bit wide and then crop in a bit later, keeping room for all aspect ratios, like the 8 x 10, which is almost square. That is much better than cropping off body parts. The second to last is under exposed by quite a bit, and the veil crossing the middle of the face isn't really working for me.
You found some really fun backgrounds with vibrant colors! I love that! Way to see the inspiration for that!