Bay Photo Print Products - Poster Paper?

I was wondering if anyone knew how often different printing materials or products may be added to the Bay Photo catalog. For the products I create, I really would like to be able to offer poster prints. Right now, the only thing offered is the 11x17 re-mountable poster which doesn't do much for me (wrong dimensions and expensive).
Currently, I'm using CafePress as a stop-gap measure, but I really don't like that approach. Their products just aren't that good and their turn-around time is horrible. It took over 34 days for me to receive a small proof order from them which is ridiculous. When I've ordered from Bay Photo, products show up in less than a week - and I'm in Germany! Cafe Press also doesn't offer the sizes I need. I base everything off of 24"x16" 200dpi size - a common size for those with full-frame Canon cameras.
Anyway, I was just wondering if there was any news or any hope that Bay Photo or even EZ Print would be offering poster-type paper any time soon.
Currently, I'm using CafePress as a stop-gap measure, but I really don't like that approach. Their products just aren't that good and their turn-around time is horrible. It took over 34 days for me to receive a small proof order from them which is ridiculous. When I've ordered from Bay Photo, products show up in less than a week - and I'm in Germany! Cafe Press also doesn't offer the sizes I need. I base everything off of 24"x16" 200dpi size - a common size for those with full-frame Canon cameras.
Anyway, I was just wondering if there was any news or any hope that Bay Photo or even EZ Print would be offering poster-type paper any time soon.
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