Image Replace problem
I prepared an image with a 4X6 ratio with a vignette around the edges and composed to look best at 4X6 ratio. The customer then ordered an 8X10 and a 4X6 of the same image. The 4X6 version looks fine but the 8X10, because of the vignette and the composition, needs to be "replaced". I went into photoshop and re-processed an 8X10 version and gave it a new name. I then did a "replace" in the smugmug order form where the customer ordered the 8X10. The problem is that smugmug replaced both the 8X10 and the 4X6 in the shopping cart. It's like I have to pick one or the other. So what are we supposed to do when a customer orders different ratios from one image? Again, I cant just crop the 8X10 version in smugmug or it messes up the compisition and vignette.
When you replace an image, it takes the new image and assigns the same url/link to it, as the original had. It also deletes the original image. This means 1 url/link = 1 image. So if a client selects multiple print sizes, using one image (url/link). You will need to, do the best you can to try to accommodate both sizes. With one image. You may not be able to make either replacement image, "perfect". And compromises in both images/sizes may be necessary.
Some Pros get around this by, either uploading different versions. Or, by making one or more copies. Versions or copies, that allow them to offer clients different size prints. Without facing the problem you are experiencing. In other words, the Pro may upload Img_2015 as Img_2015_4x6 and, after editing/cropping, Img_2015_8x10 for example. So there will be a separate link for a 2:3 (4x6)version and a 4:5 version (8x10).
In cases where you just can't come up with a solution for both prints. Contact us on the Desk. We will work with you to get the client what they ordered.
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