Event setup idea - Great!

Caveat, I don't do many events and have not tried this but:
Use Apple Ipad devices ($500 ea) as your view stations pointed to a website.
They use little power, take up little room and can be in a kiosk mode just by protecting the buttons.
Preconfigured to wifi to your HTML JAlbum or other server.
If you get someone to code an app you could even improve the experience beyond what people are used to relatively simple.
Use Apple Ipad devices ($500 ea) as your view stations pointed to a website.
They use little power, take up little room and can be in a kiosk mode just by protecting the buttons.
Preconfigured to wifi to your HTML JAlbum or other server.
If you get someone to code an app you could even improve the experience beyond what people are used to relatively simple.
Canon Gear: 5D MkII, 30D, 85 1.2 L, 70-200 2.8 IS L, 17-40mm f4 L, 50 1.4, 580EX, 2x 580EXII, Canon 1.4x TC, 300 f4 IS L, 100mm 2.8 Macro, 100-400 IS L
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
I would also assume that you could wirelessly network the iPads to your on-site "main" computer to skip the internet part - you can't always be 100% sure you'll have open WiFi (or cell service) at all locations.
Canon 7d
2 Canon 40d
70-200 f2.8L IS, 50mm f1.4, 50mm f1.8, 28mm f1.8, Tamron 17-55 f2.8, ProOptic 8mm Fisheye
And a bunch of other stuff
Where I could really see it shining is if you can put a "shopping cart" on it running on a local server, so that anyone at the event who has an iPad/iPhone/Wireless would be able to browse and buy on their own.
Pictures | Website | Blog | Twitter | Contact
The idea here is being at a location with no internet. So the smuggy app is no go. Just have a local server which most event people do now, add wifi, and finally mount the PADs in a way to protect them.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
Wow. I'm not much of an event shooter, but I do weddings. I am looking for any justification at all to buy these for viewing stations.
How does he protect the ipads at receptions? Where does he place them?
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
Setting up new viewing stations it's easy to justify the cost. Other viewing stations can cost just as much but they are bulkier and in my opinion not built as well.
Retrofitting an entire outfit of stations with these doesn't make a lot of sense unless you can figure out how much time and hassle you can save and turn that into a dollar figure.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
You wouldn't need to use the ipad 'photo engine'. If its rendering a webpage it will render what ever the server sends it and however the server sends it. It won't 'unrotate' images on a webpage.
I own an ipad and iphone. My wife also has the iphone. We have been using all three in the same location. Also I have been in panera where multiple people are all using ipads and other laptops. There are no issues.
This has nothing to do with an ipad. This would be just putting a smartphone friendly page on your existing server and connecting a wifi adapter to the network. Make the SSID something about photos and have the DNS redirect everyone to your local server automatically. (Of course other protections could be put in place from local hackers). If you want to get really fancy, offer internet hotspot service, but put a banner at the top of all the browsing which constantly shows photos form the event.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
I don't know exactly what other type of viewing stations there are out there, but I built my system of 25 stations for under $5K. That doesn't include software and the housings as those would still apply to my set up.
I would like to see a pic if anyone out there has one of these units in action as viewing stations. I still want one to play with. After this thread started, I have already pictured a number of different ways to set up viewing stations with these, and I like them all, but in the end, I think the screen size will not go over well at my events. BUT, I would love to try it out. All I need is one winning lotto ticket.
I'm sure soon enough I will attend an event that has these in use as viewing stations.... can't wait!
Under 5K is $200 per system. Thats a pretty tight budget, not impossible, but so tight I'd have a hard time replicating that on an average shopping day. (I'd have to assume you are using Linux on these as well because getting windows with $200 systems would be impossible for the budget). The only option I think that can come close is multi-headed computer.
As for the size. The Ipads would be presented in a manner that is closer to the user's face. I probably use my ipad 12 inches from my face. I use a computer at least 20 or more inches. Some of this is due to the room needed for keyboard and mouse.
Keep in mind, ipads also have built in speakers and can play light music in the background too. They also don't have clumsy mice/keyboards to worry about. Just 1 wire for the 10Watt power adapter, and you can use them for 10 hours straight without a charge, so you don't necessarily need power or cables.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
Basically I run 1 server connected to 3 viewing station computers which can turn into 33 with Ncomputing hardware. I currently run 22-25 due to the budget. All stations are connected via ethernet cables to the viewing station computers, then to the server thru a router. PhotoParata handles the images once they are loaded. We currently have a runner who runs the cards to my wife who loads them on the server. This year, I am shooting tethered so the files load automatically. Only keyboards needed are for the server and viewing station computers. All other stations only need a mouse. I am hoping to expand to 50 viewing stations this season.
Canon 7d
2 Canon 40d
70-200 f2.8L IS, 50mm f1.4, 50mm f1.8, 28mm f1.8, Tamron 17-55 f2.8, ProOptic 8mm Fisheye
And a bunch of other stuff
Hmm... I've seen the NComputing but the licensing scares me away:
With having to buy 3 Windows Server 2008 licenses and all those CALs you are going to be paying over $5000 in just licensing 27 stations. Plus your prices aren't including a monitor, mouse or cables. All this adds up.
VStation - $35
Monitor $110
Mouse $5
Windows CAL $20
TS CAL $125
$295 per view station.
This does not include the 3 servers with windows 2008 on them which would be close to $1300 each with only modest desktop hardware.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
I'm just confused in general.... lol. Sorry.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
I made a request on uservoice to create a stand-alone offline kiosk version of smugmug that would work just like regular smugmug, but without the internet connection, obviously driven from your hard drive. People could place orders, and then the orders would be transmitted to smugmug once you got back online.
Here is the request:
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Holy CRAP! What is the exchange rate between OZ currency and either USA or Canada?
I paid $549 Cdn. for my WiFi enabled 16gb iPad. I didn't go for the 3G one that would require subscribing to a data plan and yet another monthly expense.
Even at the $549 rate, getting multiple v-stations would be a painful experience financially.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I'm amazed an iPad will cost $2000 for you but you can get a computer with windows preinstalled for less than what it costs to even buy a copy of windows 2000 off eBay.
The iPad can be controlled. Besides without an Internet connection there isn't much else to do on a bare iPad.
The iPad isn't that expensive in the grand scheme of things. If you want to save cash and get old computers from other businesses and then dig around for old lcds then spend your time piecing it all together and trouble shoot the bad hardware, you are essentially spending time instead of cash. But it is still spending.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures