300D-EOS5 and D70 quandry

pseudonympseudonym Registered Users Posts: 49 Big grins
edited August 24, 2005 in Cameras
hi guys, here I am again seeking advice form the tome of photographic wisdom that is Dgrin, this time to help me make an informed decision on *gasp* actually buying a new (if used :D) camera.

Was out in the markets today (Namdaemun if anyone is familiar wth Seoul) and came across the camera quadrant (namely the used SLR/DSLR section - I was in heaven:lust ). My searching and asking around elicited the following deals (I'm assured available whenever I want to take advantage - fairly huge stocks).

Canon EOS 5 (film SLR) for equiv USD 200 (c.AUD 270)
Canon 300D for equiv USD 350 (c.AUD 410)
Nikkon D70 for equiv USD 550 (3.AUD 630)

All sans lense which is an issue.

I included the EOS 5 in the above because, although I am almost 110% set on a DSLR, compared to Aussie prices (Ebay even) that is ridiculously cheap ... am I wrong ?

I am now wondering if I might not like to get an EOS 5 and 300D with my next month and a bits pay and a kick-arse lense some time after that (sure i can get a PoC thrashed kit lense thrown in if I do get the two pack, to tide me over).

Any reason a D70 is that much better I should go with it instead ?

basically just wanted to confirm my feelings that a 300D is a solid DSLR (specially for that price) and the EOS is a well good deal.

All gear is used but in A1 shape (even fired them all), and I will have c.800USD to spend come end of sept (400 as of sunday afternoon :wink).

cheers guys


  • RohirrimRohirrim Registered Users Posts: 1,889 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2005
    I can't compare the 300D to the other 2 cameras but I have a 300D and have been very happy with it. I recently upgraded to the 20D, but the 300D is a great camera and I think you would be very happy with it.
  • pathfinderpathfinder Super Moderators Posts: 14,703 moderator
    edited August 18, 2005
    The choice between the 300D and the D70 comes down to a longer term choice - are you a Nikonian or a Canonian:): Which system to you prefer to enter, because you will likely be in that system of lenses for a very long time. The D70 users will tell you it is better than the 300D, but both are only entry points into their respective DSLR systems.

    This discussion has been thrashed out here many times and the advice is to decide which system of lenses and accessories you really prefer. I favor Canon, even sold my Nikon film gear to go Canon digital, but there are excellent photogs here who shoot Nikon and despite the handicap, seem to do very well with it ( That is a joke, for those Nikonians who lack a sense of humorrolleyes1.gifrofl)

    In short, do not let the price of the camera body influence you greatly - evaluate the lens system carefully, and then decide. I chose Canon because of their great telelphoto lenses with IS. Some folks believe Nikon makes better wide angles than Canon. Both systems are world class though, and limited only by the skills of the users.
    Pathfinder - www.pathfinder.smugmug.com

    Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
  • XO-StudiosXO-Studios Registered Users Posts: 457 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2005
    pathfinder wrote:
    The choice between the 300D and the D70 comes down to a longer term choice - are you a Nikonian or a Canonian:): Which system to you prefer to enter, because you will likely be in that system of lenses for a very long time. The D70 users will tell you it is better than the 300D, but both are only entry points into their respective DSLR systems.

    This discussion has been thrashed out here many times and the advice is to decide which system of lenses and accessories you really prefer. I favor Canon, even sold my Nikon film gear to go Canon digital, but there are excellent photogs here who shoot Nikon and despite the handicap, seem to do very well with it ( That is a joke, for those Nikonians who lack a sense of humorrolleyes1.gifrofl)

    In short, do not let the price of the camera body influence you greatly - evaluate the lens system carefully, and then decide. I chose Canon because of their great telelphoto lenses with IS. Some folks believe Nikon makes better wide angles than Canon. Both systems are world class though, and limited only by the skills of the users.
    It does come down to what you already own in glass or what you like to own in glass, as the cost of lenses easily exceeds cost of a body.

    Now being a D70 owner, I am biased and all, but readup on
    or any other of camera review forums, and the D70 exceeds the 300D in just about every category by a good margin.
    I believe however that the prices you show are expensive for used, at least from my viewpoint. A body only D70 can be had for just a little bit more than what you listed here.


    You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
    Mark Twain

    Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here: http://www.xo-studios.com
  • pseudonympseudonym Registered Users Posts: 49 Big grins
    edited August 18, 2005
    cheers for the input guys,

    I can understand where ya'll are coming from re: the lense being the deciding factor (the more I learn about this photography game the more it seems the camera is largely secondary to choice of glass and knowledge of how to take a picture :D).

    Given I have no previous bias one way or the other I basically think Canon and Nikon are both gonna make fairly similar lenses (quality wise, i.e. 'beginner' glass and 'pro' glass are both gonan be fairly similar as to the quality of pic they take - assuming a consistent application of my complete lack of skill) ergo I am back deciding which body I want to dictate my allegiance headscratch.gif.

    So these prices are expensive for used eh ? hhmmm I'm assuming you're American XO ? just saying that because these are almost half the price (more so in some cases) than Australian sources I have seen (read: ebay :D). The D70 is fairly exy though, a new body runs only about 200 more here ... go figure... wonder if any shops in the US ship to Korea umph.gif.

    What of an EOS 5 (maybe a bit out of the scope of this forum but somebody out there surely still shoots film.. for the nostalgia or whatever lol)? still a decent investment in this day and age?

    I'm aware the D70 is a higher end camera than a 300D but seeing as I can get an EOS 5 and a 300D (together) for less than the D70 (and I really do not have any skill to apply to a high end camera just yet) I am tempted.

    And just to clarify this was not meant as a 'which is better Canon or Nikon?' question (read all those threads in my research :D) more of a 'If I buy these two for X dollars am I getting ripped as compared to this 1 for XX dollars' possibly not a qestion anyone can really answer all that effectively, but I appreciate the effort anyway.

    thanks again guys, will keep ya'll updated (hell might even put some pics here if I ever make a decisionrolleyes1.gif ).
  • SeymoreSeymore Banned Posts: 1,539 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2005
    pseudonym wrote:
    And just to clarify this was not meant as a 'which is better Canon or Nikon?' question (read all those threads in my research ) more of a 'If I buy these two for X dollars am I getting ripped as compared to this 1 for XX dollars' possibly not a qestion anyone can really answer all that effectively, but I appreciate the effort anyway.
    Well, let me add... you can only use one camera at a time. eek7.gifumph.gifrolleyes1.gif And, let me ask... Do you want to process any more film? If you shoot digi long-term, I suspect the answer will be no. Just something for you to think about.
  • jthomasjthomas Registered Users Posts: 454 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2005
    Actually, I think $500 for a used D70 is a very good price. I've been watching the boards, and haven't seen anything lower than about $615.

    The principal reason I went to a DSLR from a point-and-shoot was the frustration of the slow response to the shutter, etc. The D70 is virtually instantaneous, and I like it very much. I have read that the 300D is not much faster than a P&S, so that is why I avoided it.

    I have also read on the boards that some of the earlier D70's have failed and required sending back to Nikon for repairs. I would try to find out the date of manufacture before buying a used one. I'm pretty sure if it was made this year it would be o.k. if not mistreated.
  • RohirrimRohirrim Registered Users Posts: 1,889 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2005
    jthomas wrote:
    I have read that the 300D is not much faster than a P&S, so that is why I avoided it.
    The 300D is much faster than a P&S, maybe not as fast as a 20D but plenty fast.
  • XO-StudiosXO-Studios Registered Users Posts: 457 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2005
    jthomas wrote:
    Actually, I think $500 for a used D70 is a very good price. I've been watching the boards, and haven't seen anything lower than about $615.
    Given a brand spanking body is $770, I would say $550 is too much for used. And that is $770 at Adorama.


    ps. Ebay turned up better results even, but w/o doing reseller research that is neither here nor there.
    You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
    Mark Twain

    Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here: http://www.xo-studios.com
  • PatandRichPatandRich Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited August 24, 2005
    Depents if you get the EOS 5
    pseudonym wrote:
    I included the EOS 5 in the above because, although I am almost 110% set on a DSLR, compared to Aussie prices (Ebay even) that is ridiculously cheap ... am I wrong ?

    I am now wondering if I might not like to get an EOS 5 and 300D with my next month and a bits pay and a kick-arse lense some time after that (sure i can get a PoC thrashed kit lense thrown in if I do get the two pack, to tide me over).

    Any reason a D70 is that much better I should go with it instead ?

    cheers guys
    If you deside to get the EOS 5 then I think it is a no brainer if they can share lenses, I believe they can except for the ones designed for digital only which will not give good results on 35mm, get the 300.
    If you are not getting the D5 I have a D70, 18 mos, and my wife a D70s, 5 mos, and we love them.
    BUT if I had Canon lenses I would now mostly have a 300D and a 20D. I had Pentex
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