Pricing Bug!
Okay, I have tried for about 5 hours to get the pricing down on my gallery pictures and it just doesn't plain work! There is an error in Smug Mug's web site! I have created a price for my portfolio and I have applied this pricing to all of my galleries. If I go into any gallery and click on the tools option for "Set pricing" I get the pricing amounts I have set far so good...right? However, if I pertain to be a customer and place an order in for a print, I get Smug Mug's default pricing, which is NOT what I want. I have tried every angle and every option known to man. No matter how many times I try to get this to work, every time I go to place an order, I get your stupid default prices (i.e. 4x6 print at 21 cents). It is impossible to fix this. I have set up a portfolio pricing and all the settings are correct!
I really need this pricing to work for my customers!
I really need this pricing to work for my customers!
Okay, I have tried for about 5 hours to get the pricing down on my gallery pictures and it just doesn't plain work! There is an error in Smug Mug's web site! I have created a price for my portfolio and I have applied this pricing to all of my galleries. If I go into any gallery and click on the tools option for "Set pricing" I get the pricing amounts I have set far so good...right? However, if I pertain to be a customer and place an order in for a print, I get Smug Mug's default pricing, which is NOT what I want. I have tried every angle and every option known to man. No matter how many times I try to get this to work, every time I go to place an order, I get your stupid default prices (i.e. 4x6 print at 21 cents). It is impossible to fix this. I have set up a portfolio pricing and all the settings are correct!
I really need this pricing to work for my customers!
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Latest versions of Firefox, Adobe Flash. Java & Javascript enabled! Cookies and cache has been cleared!
These are your marked up prices.
If you have a gallery it's not working in, please share an exact link, we'll have a look.
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Twitter: @WolfSnap
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