First Farm shoot (horses) need pricing advice.

Ok, my dream may be coming true and I need some serious pricing advice. I've been asked to "discuss my services" by an Arabian Horse farm in my area and I truly have no idea how to work this. My first instinct is to do the first shoot at no charge as a "sampling" of my work, then if they would like to call me back again, to charge something like $350 for the shoot and include CD with signed photos. Am I way off? There are competitors in my area, but I don't necessarily want to step on toes or ask them what they charge. Help?! :huh
You have a sampling of work that is actually pretty good. No reason to give it to them for free. Charge something like 150 for a 2hr visit and then a price for each picture that they want. Whether it is digital or print. And ofcourse offer to combine/discount the visit for multiple owners if they want. That way you get paid for how well you shoot.
Stone Creek Photography Stone Creek Photography Portfolio Sessions
Stone Creek Photography is looking for Horses and Farms for portrait sessions.
With this session you will receive the following:
1. Farm Fees waived for one session. Valued at $XXX.
2. Your pictures will be uploaded to a private gallery on our website for your viewing. High resolution photos will be available there for purchase.
3. You will receive a CD with low-resolution photos for you to share on your Myspace/Facebook or to share with family and friends. Low-res images will be watermarked with Stone Creek Photography. The watermark will not be intrusive to the photos themselves. Please understand that the low-res images are for online use only. Trying to print low res files will sacrifice the quality of the print and will result in grainy pictures, even at 4x6.
The following are the sessions that we are looking for. Once these are booked, sessions will be charged at full price.
Stallions - one session
Mares - one session
Foals - one session
Yearlings - one session
Under Saddle - one sessions
This session is to be treated like you were going to pay full price. I will be using these for my portfolio so please come dressed/groomed to fit the occasion.
And here is my fee schedule.
Individual Photo Sessions:
$XXX for the first horse.. and $XX for each additional horse. (Mares and Foals are one.)
What this includes is:
11×14 Metalprint ready to hang portrait of your choice. (A $80 dollar Value) For one horse of your choice. (Photo of your choice)(To create MetalPrints we infuse dyes directly into specially coated aluminum sheets, creating truly archival works of art. These MetalPrints showcase a revolutionary new medium that is highly durable, waterproof, weatherproof, and ultra scratch-resistant. The high-gloss sheen gives your photos a vibrant luminescence with incredible detail and resolution.
Each MetalPrint comes backed with two 3/4″ thick lightweight foam blocks and aluminum plate with drilled holes for easy hanging. When hung, these stunning prints will float off the wall.)
5×7 Thinwrap ready to hang portrait for each additional horse. (A $60 value)
(Beautiful metallic prints with smooth satin laminate neatly wrapped around sturdy, 3/16″ board. Each ThinWrap comes backed with two 3/4″ thick lightweight foam blocks with holes drilled for easy hanging. The mounting blocks hold the print away from the wall for a contemporary float effect.)
Your photos will be given an Event gallery on my Website where you and your friends and family can view the photos and pick your favorites. Your event gallery will also include three very special priced package of photos (Your choice). (All photos available for individual purchase as well. You are not limited to the packages.)
My Mid Priced package includes.
3 4×6′s
3 5×7′s
3 8×10
1 16×20 ready to hang gallery mounted canvas.
Priced at $200 (This Package if purchased separately would cost about $50 more)
At the end of it all when the favorites are chosen I go back to the event gallery, Take out the ones they do not like and then make the gallery public on the portfolio pages. This seems to work out the best, I have not gotten any complaints. I make the price appealing enough to be both worth my while and worth their time, then drive them to the website to take a look at the photos. Having them favorite and choose really helps bring in more sales then offering a CD of all the images. I used to do that, but then I never made any more money after the initial shoot and why would I? They had all the photos already on a CD to print as they pleased.
Stone Creek Photography
Equine and Historical Landscape Photographer.
New Mexico.
Become a fan of Stone Creek Photography
Sometimes I hear alot 'Oh if only you were closer to me' and if I ever run into anyone wanting something in CA I'll be sure to send em your way.
May I also suggest Horse shows? Many people may not think they are worth it, but believe you me. This past weekend I was in Nebraska with a friend from OK doing a shoot of her horses first show under saddle. (Oh yes she brought me to OK and then to NE and fed me and housed me Ahhh the good life) As a result I not only picked up the Show the photographer didn't want to do, but I also managed to swing through to a HUGE Breeding farm and did a Impromptu photoshoot of their foals and Stallions. Not only did I make a fair amount of money I was able to show them my talent they might never have otherwise seen. I caught some amazing photos and heard alot of gasps and wows when viewing them.
Not only that, but this is a massive breeding farm with a Stallion they bred that nearly everyone knows and my photos will be on their website and in their e-blasts come time to sell babies.
Unexpected networking for the win.
Good Luck and I hope you do well with what I have given you. 'Cause really? I wish there was someone there for me when I started this 3 years ago.
Stone Creek Photography
Equine and Historical Landscape Photographer.
New Mexico.
Become a fan of Stone Creek Photography
Since you don't seem to have any set packages, why not simply sit down and talk to them about what they want? Did they use any photographers in the past? What did they like or not like? Do they have any examples? Are they looking for image files or prints? How will the images be used? How many images are thy looking for? Thank about how long, hours, days this would take. Don't forget post processing.
Then design and price a package out for them. In addition think about setting your prices and rather than offering a free first session offer them some type of money back guarantee. That way you have clearly set the value of your work.
Your photos are really nice!
I'm not sure what kind of farm shoot you're doing, but I'll share my (limited!) experience so far - is it all for the farm owner, or will you be shooting boarder's horses?
I did a Farm Photo Day last fall for a farm I used to do vet work for - I offered "mini-sessions" for $75 each to the boarders. I did 7 sessions in one day. The $75 included 1 8x10 and 1 5x7. I felt like that was really cheap, but I'm amazed by the buzz it generated. It also created good will with the farm owner, who has hired me to shoot 6 shows for her this summer - the first of which is this weekend. :ivar
I also shot farm photos for the farms website. I charged $200 for the shoot, then let her use whatever she wanted for her website. I know I'm probably supposed to charge extra for licensing per image, but she had already hired me for the shows, and I wasn't feeling like it was appropriate under the circumstances. We were both happy with the arrangement.
I've also done quite of lot of free shooting for friends for portfolio building. I wouldn't recommend shooting any farms for free, though - simply because I really do think it's hard to start charging people you've already given free work to. I'd decide on a rate you intend to charge in the future, let them know what that rate is, then offer an "introductory discount."
Best of luck!
The MoxieBlog