#51 more thoughts

Still hoping to get chance to re-shoot my original concept, but in the mean time I did get chance to stop in at a local park not long after sunrise on Monday.
C&C always appreciated.
"100% degradable"




"Limited life expectancy" or "Trapped"

C&C always appreciated.
"100% degradable"




"Limited life expectancy" or "Trapped"


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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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I like the irony of the "100% degradable" do they mean bio-degradable? All plastic UV-degrades, it just breaks into smaller and smaller pieces, but even if it is bio-degradable, it's still not OK to toss it into the water!!!
I like the idea of the first set a lot. I really like #2 with the bag and the reflection, except that the swan in the background is still such a strong feature it competes for attention. If there was another shot like #2 without the swans or with just the ones in the distance, I think that'd be a winner. I'd call it "yesterday's lunch".
The others in the "100% degradable" series I'm going to pick on - #1 the reverse of #2, the bag is too strong of an item since the swan is the focus. #3 with a large depth of focus is kind of nice, but there's a lot of stuff to look at along the shoreline. I like the blurry shore and trees of #2. #4 bugs me - I like the concept, but I think it's the distracting shoreline again, plus the unexpected clarity of the reflection is just... well, can't really put my finger on it.
I like #5 as well, but it seems a little ordinary, just like all of my stuff. Funny how that happens huh?
As I've taken about 30 mintues to write this I've been looking over the photos and #2 has really grown on me.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
I have to say that I went to the lake that morning deliberately for the trash likely to be in the water after a sunny weekend.
I shot these because I liked the way the white bag "mirrored" the swan, I liked the juxtaposition of the man-made "mess" against the beauty of the swan on its own environment and lastly I appreciated the irony (and warning) of the message "100% degradable" which actually applies to the whole scene if people keep throwing litter in the lake and therefore my take on the tomorrow element of the theme.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
I think of this group of shots, #2 is the standout for me. Personally I think the out of focus swan is a bonus in the background because it adds the emotional factor...you know, like "What the h_ _ _ are people thinking, there are trash cans!" Anyway, I think it's good, FWIW!
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