DSS 51 Attempt

Well have been struggling with my photography lately due to severe cold and general digital slump. Why is it that from time to time everything seems like crap and you struggle with original thoughts and composition.
Anyway here is what I have so far good bad or whatever.
Let me have it:thwak I think I need a good beating :beatwax
1. Future Breakfast

2.Told you not to plant the tree so close to the house.
Need shorter title for this one. Maybe Time and Pressure

3. When Steam Was King

4.Rail vs Interstate

5. Old Sacramento
Anyway here is what I have so far good bad or whatever.
Let me have it:thwak I think I need a good beating :beatwax
1. Future Breakfast

2.Told you not to plant the tree so close to the house.
Need shorter title for this one. Maybe Time and Pressure

3. When Steam Was King

4.Rail vs Interstate

5. Old Sacramento

Chris K. NANPA Member
I like 1, 2, and 5 best. In 1, the sky is not doing much for me. In 5, the person on the porch is an anachronism.
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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#2 is unique and interesting. I like the title "Time and Pressure." I think there are many good possibilities for the title playing on the idea of time. I'm thinking, "Just a Matter of Time" or "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow."
My Photostream
Maybe #1 would be better for the theme... I'm not sure though which one to choose...
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