DSS 51 - Ideas

It's been a hectic couple of weeks, so I haven't been around much. Here are my ideas. What do you think?
#1 - Close

#2 - Trolley

At one point, you could ride a trolley from Pittsburgh to Chicago, switching from one trolley company to another.
#3 - Promise

At my nephew's wedding.
I'll have an opportunity to explore a few others tomorrow. We are going to Meadowcroft - a rock shelter that is the oldest paleo-Indian site in the Americas. :barb
Check it out - http://www.heinzhistorycenter.org/meadowcroft.aspx
#1 - Close

#2 - Trolley

At one point, you could ride a trolley from Pittsburgh to Chicago, switching from one trolley company to another.
#3 - Promise

At my nephew's wedding.

I'll have an opportunity to explore a few others tomorrow. We are going to Meadowcroft - a rock shelter that is the oldest paleo-Indian site in the Americas. :barb
Check it out - http://www.heinzhistorycenter.org/meadowcroft.aspx
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
If you can, I would reduce the shadow of the grooms pinky finge in the brides hand.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Thanks, Mark. As requested, here are a couple of B&W conversions.
The idea on the other two was yesterday. Trolleys are obsolete and horseshoes is a game that not many still play. But I guess it doesn't come across well enough.
Pupweb, I appreciate the suggestion on the shadow. I think I will not have enough time to do much editing, especially something at which I am not yet fluent. I am visiting my folks and will be tied up for most of the weekend.
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What do you think? Is this better?
I also have a B&W version, but Smugmug is uploading slowly tonight.
DavidBroadwell.com, My Smugmug Home