Woopra help
I have started using Woopra as my analytics tool. Just wondering what everyone thinks about it, so far I really like being able to see visitors in live time. If anyone is intrested in setting it up or is having trouble a moderador that I was in contact with on a Woopra support forum said that many people cannot get the software to work propertly with SmugMug. So I offered to make a list of the steps that I took to get it working. If anyone sees any problem with this pplease let me know as I'm not a coder or web designer.
For those wishing to incorporate SmugMug with Woopra follow these steps...
1. When you first sign up with Woopa be sure to use your Smug address http://xxxxxxxxxxx.smugmug.com/ when you "add a website"
2. After that you need to add your new code to SmugMug. You can find it by going to your "Woopra Dashboard" clicking on "edit settings" and then then "setup". Copy the code that pops up and paste it into your Advanced Customizer setting in "control Pannel" "Cutomize tab" "Advanced Customizer > Edit". Paste in the "Custom Footer Box" on SmugMug( I'm not good with code by no means so I m not sure if deleting the two div tags that were already in there was a good idea or not but I did and its working and everything else seems to be fine. **Maybe someone can clarify this as a good move or not**
NOTE : If you are currently using Goolge Analytics or another provider be sure to remove the other code in your advanced customization settings, or if you are using the newer Web Property ID number in your settings you must remove that.
That's all you need to set up just your Woopra account with Smugmug but if you have a seperate domain follow the rest of the directions.
3. I use a wordpress blog for my homepage of www.Diverseimageonline.com thats linked to my SmugMug. Wordpress is nice because there is a Woopra plug-in so no code editing is required. Simply install and activate. Get it here http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woopra/ (If you are using another blog platform I'm sure they will have similar plug ins).
3. If you have another domain like myself set up you will have to log back into Woopra and add another site too in addition to installing the plug-in, by going to your profile and clicking "add site". After that when you open the Woopra software you will see that you now have your two sites Smugmug and your domain. You can easily switch back and forth between with the two tabs at the top of the page.
If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me.
For those wishing to incorporate SmugMug with Woopra follow these steps...
1. When you first sign up with Woopa be sure to use your Smug address http://xxxxxxxxxxx.smugmug.com/ when you "add a website"
2. After that you need to add your new code to SmugMug. You can find it by going to your "Woopra Dashboard" clicking on "edit settings" and then then "setup". Copy the code that pops up and paste it into your Advanced Customizer setting in "control Pannel" "Cutomize tab" "Advanced Customizer > Edit". Paste in the "Custom Footer Box" on SmugMug( I'm not good with code by no means so I m not sure if deleting the two div tags that were already in there was a good idea or not but I did and its working and everything else seems to be fine. **Maybe someone can clarify this as a good move or not**
NOTE : If you are currently using Goolge Analytics or another provider be sure to remove the other code in your advanced customization settings, or if you are using the newer Web Property ID number in your settings you must remove that.
That's all you need to set up just your Woopra account with Smugmug but if you have a seperate domain follow the rest of the directions.
3. I use a wordpress blog for my homepage of www.Diverseimageonline.com thats linked to my SmugMug. Wordpress is nice because there is a Woopra plug-in so no code editing is required. Simply install and activate. Get it here http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woopra/ (If you are using another blog platform I'm sure they will have similar plug ins).
3. If you have another domain like myself set up you will have to log back into Woopra and add another site too in addition to installing the plug-in, by going to your profile and clicking "add site". After that when you open the Woopra software you will see that you now have your two sites Smugmug and your domain. You can easily switch back and forth between with the two tabs at the top of the page.
If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me.