#51: Past, present and future

Thoughts? Thanks in advance!!! (And yep - been a while! RL has kept me busy of late, but this idea dropped into my head during a long commute yesterday and I wanted to give it a try

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Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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Welcome back to the challenges and what a way to come back!
I agree with Cuban--except I have a favorite--the slightly more Flemish version.
Too cool.
BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Hey, she's only 12 and still can't decide yet if boys are the enemy or really really cool
I'd totally forgotten about the writing on her hand - I'd meant to clone that out!!
Glad you like - thanks for the feedback!
My Site, My Book
Thanks Liz! The only thing I don't like is that she wouldn't leave it on the apps screen - I wanted to capture the iPod icons as well, but she kept getting into what she was looking at and would start listening to music or whatever and I'd lose the screen. I could mess about with pasting it in but am not sure I have the strength to fiddle with it. As long as it works without, I think I'll leave well enough alone!
Good to be back - I've been following along, and just so distracted by other stuff I didn't even get a chance to think about possible entries, alas!
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Ha! No replies for a couple of hours and then several all at once - too funny. Gotta love the internet
The first one had watercolours and diffuse glow and a bunch thrown at it, but then I was just playing around in LR and this one looked even better! I definitely wanted a Vermeer/Rembrandt/Flemish-school kind of look.
Thanks - and good to "see" you too!!
I don't think we have much longer..... :yikes - she's steaming into adolescence faster than we can keep up! :giggle
Between Two Worlds
The Listener
La Jeune Fille Avec l'iPod
Maybe something better will come to me before the challenge closes.
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Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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I think the most important thing is what cuban stated that your images is right on theme
even without words. I like them both but the 2 is extra nice.
peace, gail
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Very nice work! I can't really choose between the two looks. Only thing I might consider changing is the lack of any background.
I didn't notice the background until pyry pointed to - I think he's right.
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Thanks again for the kind words!
(oh, and Kevin, I left the title as is - I LOVE "La jeune fille..." but couldn't decide whether it should follow the form one sees in existing Old Masters ie "La jeune fille au l'iPod" or the more modern and comprehensible "... avec iPod" and I'm just enough of a Francophone that it bugged me, so I decided to avoid the issue altogether