#51 thoughts?

So this is the first time I'm putting stuff in a Dgrin contest and I'd like a little feedback on which image is stronger for this theme. I have my own preferences but I just wanted to see what the rest of you thought too. Thanks for looking! 
1. Better Times Are Coming

2. Waiting For Tomorrow To Come

1. Better Times Are Coming

2. Waiting For Tomorrow To Come

The first shot has better composition, It just does not scream out yesterday/tomorrow to me...unless it is the couple being a little apart and in the future they will be physically closer together...perhaps changing the title (1st date?) would make it more obvious to me, however the image should speak for itself without the title linking it to the challenge theme.
Stephen Marsh
Thanks! I was actually feeling the same thing too... i liked #2 better.
As for the crop, what would you suggest? I did look into cropping the photo but couldn't figure out one that to me felt right.