Download Question

Is there a way to have the Download Image button available to visitors and have the viewing options set to XL or smaller?
I want to allow downloads of small sized images but not the originals. I understand I could upload small files and set the viewing mode to original but then they could not purchase prints as the files would be too small.
I don't want to replace each image that has been ordered with a new file:huh
There must be a solution, this seems like something that most SmugMuggers would want to have, especially the Pros.
Any solutions to this? Thanks in advance.
I want to allow downloads of small sized images but not the originals. I understand I could upload small files and set the viewing mode to original but then they could not purchase prints as the files would be too small.
I don't want to replace each image that has been ordered with a new file:huh
There must be a solution, this seems like something that most SmugMuggers would want to have, especially the Pros.
Any solutions to this? Thanks in advance.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks, I have been reading through different threads and now see that this is not an option.
Seems like something that is badly needed, an obvious feature that most would find very useful. I had always thought it was available somewhere.
Off to add a feature request! Hopefully this has already been requested and in the works.
Hmmm...just checked the User Voice site...over 500 requests. Not likely to get much response posting this request there. Oh well, right click and save image will need to be the method....just need to let people know instead of having the button.
Why on earth would you say that? We have a whole lot of customers. Add your voice so we can see what's important.
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Block sizes down to (X3, X2, XL, L, or even M) then leave protection off. They simply right-click and save. Or drag to their desktop. Can't be much simpler
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