Geotagged images to Google 'My Map'
Is it possible to use the 'Map' funtion in SM to send geotagged images directly to Google My Map.
If not what is the best way to achieve this please?
Thanks for your help.
If not what is the best way to achieve this please?
Thanks for your help.
Open with GoogleEarth. Opens KLM file in GoogleEarth.
My Website index | My Blog
Thank you for your reply.
I can't see Available Feeds anywhere, is this something you have to switch on?
I would like to transfer the image to google MY MAP, is that possible?
Thanks again,
Roy Palmer - Digital Images
Unexpanded simplified html showing footer div's. Either the full footer or mini-footer above needs this CSS to hide the
footer part and keep the feeds part.
#footer {display: none !important;}
My Website index | My Blog
Roy Palmer - Digital Images