First Kiss
This is from when my oldest daughter met her little sister for the first time at the hospital. I'm looking for some C&C on the post-processing (and any other aspect, for that matter). It seems a little washed out to me... Thoughts?

As for the picture, I can see what you mean about the washed out-ness of the photo. But in this case, i think it can work. It gives a gentler and softer feel to the photograph which is in line with the subject matter
I dont have any other thoughts and suggestions though in regards to the post-processing.
Dahn8 - Thanks! I'm going to send the picture off to Bay Photo and see how it looks.
Thanks patatahead! It was one of my favorites from that day.
Yeah, there's things to nit-pick. The edge of the bassinet, things like that. But on a big level, who cares. You captured a priceless moment.
By the way, I don't think it's necessarily washed out - maybe lacking a bit of pop or contrast. The top right corner has some detail missing, but that's minor in my book.
Thanks for posting.
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