General and important questions about site performance and optimisation
Hi guys (Baldy, Onethumb - and anyone else concerned about performance - I'm looking at you guys for help and thoughts here)
I have a fairly heavily customised site and things are starting to creak in the page load time department, especially in category pages with lots of galleries and subcategories... Take this URL for example...
Now, on a forced refresh reload (Ctrl-F5) it's a largish page - 900+ KB, 230 odd objects and can take (on my connection - ADSL, Firefox - no pipelining hacks) up to 45 seconds to fully load...
I verified this with Firebug a bunch of times and there's no individual element really holding it up, it's all loading as you would expect.
Now I KNOW I can trim my CSS a little, and I KNOW I could be a little cleverer with size of customisation GFX... Bu there's something which really jumps out at me and hurts.
Almost all of the elements on the page come from "" and as I'm sure you all know, browsers should only load a couple of elements concurrently from a single host.
This means that a huge number of these small elements are queued up and downloaded virtually sequentially. This kills load time.
Google maps and other sites get around this by faking may hosts (,, mt[x] and distributing the calls around all these hosts (which may in fact point at the same server). This helps hugely and the browser dutifully loads up a couple of connections at once to EACH of the 'different' hosts.
I could (and I plan to) kinda fake this by not using relative links the whole time and sometimes point to,, etc - but I was wondering if anyone had a better idea - or am I on the right track?
Yes, I know I could hack the browser to use many more threads at once, and I know caching helps a lot, but I am concerned about first time visitors having a slow experience.
Please don't tell me to pull back on the customisation - I know from tests that when I massively parallelise using http pipelining, the page load times dive and I'm happy - so it's not the actual size of the page, it's how it's loaded.
So I'm asking for ideas on how to optimise pages for speedy loading outside the normal "trim your CSS, use smaller images" etc... How can we do this?
And a specific question, what static hosts resolve and I can consider stable for our files? I presume
but are there any others?
Something to think about and I am sure that there are smarter ways to do this - I am just trying to get some fresh ideas and eyes on the problem.
Cheers - Neil Gardner
I have a fairly heavily customised site and things are starting to creak in the page load time department, especially in category pages with lots of galleries and subcategories... Take this URL for example...
Now, on a forced refresh reload (Ctrl-F5) it's a largish page - 900+ KB, 230 odd objects and can take (on my connection - ADSL, Firefox - no pipelining hacks) up to 45 seconds to fully load...
I verified this with Firebug a bunch of times and there's no individual element really holding it up, it's all loading as you would expect.
Now I KNOW I can trim my CSS a little, and I KNOW I could be a little cleverer with size of customisation GFX... Bu there's something which really jumps out at me and hurts.
Almost all of the elements on the page come from "" and as I'm sure you all know, browsers should only load a couple of elements concurrently from a single host.
This means that a huge number of these small elements are queued up and downloaded virtually sequentially. This kills load time.
Google maps and other sites get around this by faking may hosts (,, mt[x] and distributing the calls around all these hosts (which may in fact point at the same server). This helps hugely and the browser dutifully loads up a couple of connections at once to EACH of the 'different' hosts.
I could (and I plan to) kinda fake this by not using relative links the whole time and sometimes point to,, etc - but I was wondering if anyone had a better idea - or am I on the right track?
Yes, I know I could hack the browser to use many more threads at once, and I know caching helps a lot, but I am concerned about first time visitors having a slow experience.
Please don't tell me to pull back on the customisation - I know from tests that when I massively parallelise using http pipelining, the page load times dive and I'm happy - so it's not the actual size of the page, it's how it's loaded.
So I'm asking for ideas on how to optimise pages for speedy loading outside the normal "trim your CSS, use smaller images" etc... How can we do this?
And a specific question, what static hosts resolve and I can consider stable for our files? I presume
but are there any others?
Something to think about and I am sure that there are smarter ways to do this - I am just trying to get some fresh ideas and eyes on the problem.
Cheers - Neil Gardner
-- ( (
"/photos/whatever" to ""
and my page load times dropped from about 35-40 seconds to 9-10 seconds!
I don't know if any of this is due to the local time diff from 11:30 when I did the baseline tests, and now 12:40 (am) when I did the new tests - but I will find out tomorrow night I guess...
In any case - seems like there is some significant performance benefit to be realised here... I might dig in and see if I can determine if it's due to the multiple hosts, or a slow issue with my DNS resolution on my domain.
Thoughts still welcome.
Cheers - N (
This is bad for performance for two reasons. First, you get double the number of web requests (because of the redirect) and second, the original request can never be cached in the local browser. It absolutely kills site performance. I don't know why it's this way. I posted about this a year ago or so and I have a mental note to never use the domain-less image URLs in my site, but I never got any reaction/response from Smugmug last time I posted about it.
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Honestly, the thing you could do that would improve load time the most on that page is to feature a photo in each of your galleries. Having to randomly choose a photo for each on is both time consuming and impossible to cache.
We recently enhanced our homepages to do a better job at that particular job, but haven't yet addressed Category pages like your example. It's on our TODO list, but even then, it won't be nearly as fast as simply featuring photos.
Hope that helps!
Do you have some examples? Relative links will use whichever host you're currently on, which is rarely the CDN unless maybe you're building the links with JS or CSS, which of course, are served from the CDN.
The CDN shouldn't typically redirect with a 302 on a photo request, but there could be some corner cases where it does. The 302 redirect is intended to thwart people masquerading as someone they're not - we've had customers "attempt" to take credit for someone else's photo by hard-coding their DNS in front of the URL and then pointing at the fact that it works as an example of their ownership. Clearly, that no longer works (and hasn't for years), but that code might not be properly dealing with our CDN in all cases.
The CSS for my banner is:
If I change it to this, the extra redirect does not happen:
I have no idea why the browser tries the initial fetch from I don't have any script that has anything to do with my banner image. The banner image is just plain HTML and CSS.
FYI, I agree with your recommendation to not use random thumbnails for galleries if you want good page performance. Not only is that done via a 302, but it's non-cachable because it's different every time and the request that generates the 302 isn't exactly speedy either.
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That gets a 302 redirect to:
When the browser goes to that URL, it gets a 302 redirect to:
When I look at the actual image, I think it has something to do with the video in that gallery.
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Nice catch. Fixed?
This is something we can't help (though we should probably be 301 instead of 302). The customer has chosen, for whatever reason, to link to an image that doesn't exist (there's no Medium for that size, since it's smaller than Medium). We do our best to not show a broken image, but we're not going to clutter up the cache with caching bogus data.
There are bugs and then there's user error. This one is user error.
(It may take awhile for the fix to fully propogate - 30K servers and all. Keep hitting refresh if your local servers haven't got it yet...)
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Got rid of one of the 302s, the other one is a little murkier as to how to properly handle it. A fix may or may not be forthcoming depending on what I find out. We should probably just be telling the browser to use the -O in the first place in this particular instance...
I think we'd like to understand how a customer could goof it, and then fix that. None of our tools are providing -M links if they don't exist, I don't think, and if they are, that'd be a bug.
Hmmm. I just checked and the Share button/Get a Link does offer links to sizes larger than the original image which then gets a 302 redirect to the original. So this problem can happen right from the Get a Link screen. Probably worth fixing there.
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For some, yes. But we many folks make a banner 1200px wide (or whatever) and then only want the image to be 800px wide so that grab a -L.
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Yeah, we don't teach 'em that way but with hundreds of thousands of people doing it, we get all sorts of banners
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Thanks for the suggestions guys - and for those of you following along at home, I managed to improve the load time of this page on my site:
From about 35-40 seconds for a cold load (ctrl-F5 refresh) down to about TEN (10) SECONDS!
What did I do?
For a start, I replaced all my relative links to customisation elements with absolute links to and I manually balanced these out in my customisation and I also pulled a clever trick where I used JS to change the BG image for the gallery thumbnails and background.
The stacks of photos on the page above (like a pile of polaroids around the thumbnails) are random images from a gallery and I liked them too much to get rid of them, so I modified the js to create the URL for the odd numbered links to and the even numbered links to
The above modifications got the load time halved to about 15-20 seconds. Impressive enough.
I then tried setting featured images in each gallery as suggested in this thread and that got me the rest of the way. Wow...
I would still like to know if there are any other domains that won't kick a 302 when I use them... So far I have
If I could find one or 2 more that don't require redirects then I can speed things up even more.
Guys - got any other non redirecting FQDNs that we could use? Perhaps can you create a couple :-)
Thanks for the analysis and advice in this thread so far - absolutely invaluable and you have no idea how much more positive I am about the whole SM experience after more than doubling the apparent speed of my site.
Cheers - Neil G (
I'm not sure what you mean - I have made heaps of changes to my customisation to remove all relative links, and I have manually balanced my links between and I have also set feature photos for all the galleries in my Ultimate galleries...
All of those things made a massive improvement.
But have you also made some change at your end? Perhaps improved the random feature or something?
Neil G (
Actually, just stopped all other stuff and did a few ctrl-F5 refreshes and yes, it is noticably quicker...
I'm down to 5-6 seconds for a complete load of
It's hard to believe that just a couple of days ago, essentially the same page was taking 35+ seconds to load. I wonder how many other people have really badly performing sites because they have large pages and have used relative links, or are being hampered by the defualt number of simultaneous connections to a single FQDN.
Thanks for whatever extra improvement you made! Can you give some indication what it was?
Cheers - Neil Gardner (