Mini Challenge #97 (SP)

Ok I've thought long and hard about this mini challenge. I know it's been done before but it was done way before I joined and I figured it was time again.
Artists have been doing self-portraits for centuries in many mediums, from paintings, sculptures, daguerreotypes/photography. It is a provocative experience and something most are not comfortable with, I hope to take you out of your comfort zone. For those in a rut, this is a great opportunity to jump back into photography, for those who are always the photographer and never the subject, here's your chance to change that. For those of you who already excell at this, I am here to learn from you.
Remember the rules, post up to three--my fervent hope is that you will post two you already have and will do a new one for this challenge--it's not a must, but a wish. I myself will contribute a new one for the challenge as a learning experience.
Remember no nudity allowed--HOWEVER, I think that nude selfportraits should be a part of this challenge, for the brave soul willing to tackle it. So if you are willing, I'm all eyes--just post the link to your post in "go figure" or let me know the title of your post and I will look in Go Figure.
I will share 3 of my self-portraits as an example.
Self portrait with someone
This is one I will treasure down the road--taken on a sick day for my little boy, who had a miraculous recovery.

body parts
I know I will look back on this shot when I'm holding my great grandkids and smile.

Taken at the height of my panic attack--when I signed up for little league coaching for the first time in my life and realized I was in over my head.

The Challenge will run from now until 8:00 a.m. EST June 28th.
Here is is the link for the mini challenge (quick links) for any questions :
Thank you for your participation. I look forward to your posts.
Liz A.
Artists have been doing self-portraits for centuries in many mediums, from paintings, sculptures, daguerreotypes/photography. It is a provocative experience and something most are not comfortable with, I hope to take you out of your comfort zone. For those in a rut, this is a great opportunity to jump back into photography, for those who are always the photographer and never the subject, here's your chance to change that. For those of you who already excell at this, I am here to learn from you.
Remember the rules, post up to three--my fervent hope is that you will post two you already have and will do a new one for this challenge--it's not a must, but a wish. I myself will contribute a new one for the challenge as a learning experience.
Remember no nudity allowed--HOWEVER, I think that nude selfportraits should be a part of this challenge, for the brave soul willing to tackle it. So if you are willing, I'm all eyes--just post the link to your post in "go figure" or let me know the title of your post and I will look in Go Figure.
I will share 3 of my self-portraits as an example.
Self portrait with someone
This is one I will treasure down the road--taken on a sick day for my little boy, who had a miraculous recovery.

body parts
I know I will look back on this shot when I'm holding my great grandkids and smile.

Taken at the height of my panic attack--when I signed up for little league coaching for the first time in my life and realized I was in over my head.

The Challenge will run from now until 8:00 a.m. EST June 28th.
Here is is the link for the mini challenge (quick links) for any questions :
Thank you for your participation. I look forward to your posts.
Liz A.
Liz A.
Do I know you?
Editted to add: I love that set of 4. Classic!
I'll see if I can get another couple to add here.
New entry:
Huh? OMG! Do I know anything?
Creating Potato Head
While doing this, I realized that I have my father's nose. Yikes!
Edit: Potato Head is just for fun and reference.
Potato Head
Thanks for a great challenge, Liz! I really had fun with it!
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
1. Smile (my most recent)..
2. Working fool...
3. Always dreaming...
Circa mid 1970's: Minolta XM-1, 50mm f1.4 Rokkor, Kodachrome 25:
What a difference 35 years make!
I'll hold off on commenting until the end.
Whatshesaw. I hope you do come back and add more:)
Thanks guys.
OK. Just realized that I (somewhat inadvertently) met the challenge to take a new SP during the MC run. I set up a soft box and reflector to take a headshot for a friend (who is going to work on a new TV show for Oprah) and took a test shot. So here is my second one.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
1) Outlaw.
2) Just say no to speeding.
3) I've hauled this one out to many times, I've got to come up with a new one.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Once again for sharing only
This first one while being a SP is really not a fair representation on who I am. It is me playing a character,
specifically who the "collector" might look like. (Titled: The Collector) P.S. My wife hates this one
Second one is again done to communicate a message more than a representation. (Titled: too much!)
Third and most recent is both a fair representation and my favorite SP that I have done so far. (Titled: pieces of me)
These are really good. Makes me want to jump in but guys, you make it really HARD to compete!
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Especially with my face!
Your first post and it's a bump to my thread---love it.
Now jump in.
Well already I like your Avatar, sooooo...
You're not going to get better unless you start practicing--ok off my teeny tiny soapbox.
Enter any you already have, but I'd love to see new material too.
You are out of your mind.
I'm not going to comment on individual photos yet, I'm just really glad you posted that one, and as you said maybe you'll get around to more.
EDIT--some great stuff here already guys--I mean it's blowing me away!
I know there are others out there because I've seen them, I hope to see them again, and I can't wait for further surprises.
Feel free to comment on each other though ok?
but only after I'll have my hair done ...... Facebook
These are from 2009, I made a Valentines Day book for my husband... These three I can show you, lol!
Absolutely incredible and very powerful shot.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Love your work!
Well done! I love the light!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Thanks for the new additions all:). I'm lovin this. Really enjoying seeing some of my old favorites and some new additons.
cj99si um, I thought you were a woman, boy was I wrong.
Just waiting on Tatiana to get her hair done
and all the rest.
Keep them coming.
How to post images here? Thanks.
Either add picture as an attachment (limited to ~140kb file), or add tag (click on button which looks like:
- Wil
Yes! WhatSheSaw....Said.
Excellent Sean.
Hey Corey,
…you're not musophobic by any chance, are you?
- Wil
PS: Like the tones!