DSS52 - Pyro's Verisimilitude

So I decided to go for a longer word using a three row layout. I'll need a technical decision from the boss if I can use the letters on the image or not. But apart from that what do you think?
Also included are some alternate letters I have.

alternate set of letters that can be substituted:
Also included are some alternate letters I have.

alternate set of letters that can be substituted:

My first instinct is to say no this is not allowed, the more I think about it the more I am tempted to chalk it up to artistic creativity. It is always my goal to give the photographer/artist as much latitude as possible within a challenge to allow for individualistic views. It is always a danger when giving too many stipulations that they will eat into and stifle this creative spark.
Final decision is, it is a frame and the inclusion of the letters does not violate the basic editing stipulation IMO.
The only one that doesn't read as easily (IMO) is the d. The alternative D might be better, but you'd need to see how it jives with the rest of the letters. I love that last E!
(I'll admit, I had to look that word up!)
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
- I like the first one more, with the "D" from the second one.
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