Gots me a new PowerBook

Oooooooo, BABY!! :lust
It's a 17" and sooooooooooooo sssssswwwweeeeeeeetttttttttt!!!!! :super :super :super
Now the only question is whether I'll feel like using my XP desktop for anything but games...
It's a 17" and sooooooooooooo sssssswwwweeeeeeeetttttttttt!!!!! :super :super :super
Now the only question is whether I'll feel like using my XP desktop for anything but games...
Well after I got my PB17 I even sold off the two 21" monitors I was using on my 2 headed Solaris Ultrasparc desktop. The PB17 is my primary GUI now. (note #1) I do have a second screen to give more real estate. I highly recommend a 3 button mouse. I am using an el-cheapo optical scroll mouse and it is great with MacOSX.
Note 1: I do have X installed and have windows from tru65, solaris, and freebsd systems on my screen now. "Primary GUI" doesn't mean the other systems are unused. (except the WinXP and Win98 boxes are unused)
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph