Froch-- DSS#52 ReDux--Disney
Hi Sean,
At your convenience, would you take a look at this and let me know your thoughts on the frame. Not sure if by definition it needs to encompass the letters or if it can it be off-centered? I'm not a fan of frames but this requires separation from the BG image. Without the abilty to use a drop shadow for separation, I thought I could offset my frame, mimic'ing the effect. If this is pushing the allowance of the frame rule, I'm good. I'll continue to figure something out.
**I'm not confident I inserted the image correctly. Thanks in advance for fixing it. LOL
At your convenience, would you take a look at this and let me know your thoughts on the frame. Not sure if by definition it needs to encompass the letters or if it can it be off-centered? I'm not a fan of frames but this requires separation from the BG image. Without the abilty to use a drop shadow for separation, I thought I could offset my frame, mimic'ing the effect. If this is pushing the allowance of the frame rule, I'm good. I'll continue to figure something out.
**I'm not confident I inserted the image correctly. Thanks in advance for fixing it. LOL

- Diana
Cool! Thanks Sean
Thanks OD!
umm...Yeah.....yeah,that was my intent........(yeah right..
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Thankyou Karin!
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
The weakest letter is the N. I can see an N formed by the edges of the buildings if you flip it horizontally. Perhaps you might want to use it?
Thanks WSS, Thanks AM.
My self-critique., that I'll post tomorrow, says exactly that. In addition to other issues, the 'N' is weeeeeeeeeak. As I write, my hope is that I can get your mind to make the leap and accept it to be an 'N' because you know it's supposed to be there.
Thanks for the nice words, which I promise will be reciprocated tomorrow, when I post my comments. I love both your submissions.