Morning at the creek #1

ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
edited August 21, 2005 in Wildlife
Hotter than I have ever known it to be, from 8 to 10 AM...... Worked up the last shots first, so.............

This is the reason the birds and I were there: The waiting here for the feeding!

Below is the actual feeding, see man in lower rt hand corner, he was hidden most of the time. And I was allowed nowhere near. Used my 17-40 lens, my 70-200 with, and without, an extender ( 1 1/4 ).


Some shenanigans leading up to the feeding, here a bird lands.........almost on another bird.



I could tell it the feeding time was getting close when this Great Blue Heron showed up, he is off in the distance here with the marsh between me and him (on the dock). He looks to me like he could own one of those boats.


This was earlier when I tried to get closer, I was told I had to stay way back by my car. I do not want to wear out my welcome at this place, I cannot go often. I am going to try going even earlier, w/o the feeding, next time. I heard it is pretty, but since I cannot go near the dock or anything else.......... I found out that that the shrimpers go out about 4 AM and come in around noon. There were a lot of boats in. The season goes to about November.

later, thanks for looking. comments, hopefully, .......??? I suppose I can look at it this way, if I know what the bad photos are, I will know better than to post them elsewhere.:D


After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.


  • rahmonsterrahmonster Registered Users Posts: 1,376 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2005
    I can almot feel the humidity just by looking at them:): I think they are lovely. I love the way the birds are so white and stic out from everything else (green green grass dark blue skies). I love the 3rd one!thumb.gif

    Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
  • bfjrbfjr Registered Users Posts: 10,980 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2005
    Nice series Ginger
    be careful in that heat !!
    Last one my Fav thumb.gif
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2005
    Thank you, Ben and Rahmonster. I am supposed to meet up with some photographers tomorrow AM for coffee, then a day of shooting, tomorrow. I have a baptism I have to shoot, so will escape to do that, but shooting tomorrow around noon..........???? Supposed to be even hotter!

    I am pretty used to the heat and this is just super hot! I am getting a lot of mileage out of my photo of the panting birds. The photo may be mediocre, but a lot of people are relating to it! Getting lots of responses somewhere else, lots for me, anyway, just as we are all so hot!

    Ben, you got an avatar. I will look at your post and mention it again!

    Thanks both for stopping and commenting, I appreciate it. I wish I could go to that place every day, be a part of the shrimper people and all, but with my camera. My daughter used to date a shrimper's son, she has been out with them many times when she was a teen. She says it is a hard life. It might be, but they sit around afterwards, talk, just shoot the breeze (figure of speech this time of year). Looks like fun to me!

    And it is all gorgeous, very photogenic! I started out to go somewhere else, thought I would stop for a moment........... when I left I was too hot to go anywhere else. Woke from my nap with foot cramps, was dehydrated I know. I cannot imagine plans to shoot outdoors all day tomorrow. I just may be glad I have to do that baptism.rolleyes1.gif

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2005
    thumb.gif very nice story and pics ,your scenic shots are #1
    Jeff W

  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2005
    Thanks, Jeff,

    You avatar is cool!

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • PossumCornerPossumCorner Registered Users Posts: 290 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2005
    Feeding Time
    Ginger they are lovely shots, but I cannot understand why you cannot be allowed closer in. You don't seem too complaining but it seems pretty mean minded of them. Can't you stand with the people doing the feeding, and shoot from just beside/behind them without upsetting them or the birds. Maybe offer them a print in return for the privilege. Maybe there is something I don't know of in the circumstances, but it does not seem a very big ask.

    PS I still miss your Rawlings quote is it coming back soon??
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2005
    Ginger they are lovely shots, but I cannot understand why you cannot be allowed closer in. You don't seem too complaining but it seems pretty mean minded of them. Can't you stand with the people doing the feeding, and shoot from just beside/behind them without upsetting them or the birds. Maybe offer them a print in return for the privilege. Maybe there is something I don't know of in the circumstances, but it does not seem a very big ask.

    PS I still miss your Rawlings quote is it coming back soon??
    Thanks, Possum. I am not quite sure of the circumstances re allowing me closer. I used to have access to the docks. The shrimpers say it is for insurance reasons, I think.

    These are old Charlestonian, good old boy types, with a heavy accent. I try very hard to understand them, but I don't get a lot of what they are saying. It seems to be a very insular group. Years ago I was "kicked" off the whole property. Speaking of temper tantrums, I threw one, it just seemed so unfair.

    I think that maybe they remember that.

    And my daughter dated the son of a shrimper for several years. It was his father who threw me off the property, but I don't know if he knew, or cared, who I was. I will ask my daughter, now 37, what she thinks.

    The person who is letting me take these, he will not let me closer, and I don't know why. Interference with his customers??? I don't know. I plan to take him photos. One big problem is communication again. Without an interpreter I can't understand much that any of them say.

    I came in closer for a few minutes yesterday, no one was around, he was in his little place. He yelled out the window, I finally heard him. I did not hear everything, or much, but I did get the gist of it.....................go back by your car: up the road kind of. He has been nice in the past, so has his wife, but not "friends", just polite. I got the photo of the pelican there, closer, he glared at me then. This is probably what he thought needed to be done.

    This land is owned by these people, or one of them, I am literally trespassing, and they are liable, also have rights. I do wish I could hear them better, though, so we could work something out. I am too busy today for my husband to go with me to talk to him, then my husband is out of town all week.

    An interesting thing: on the other side of the creek, the restaurant area is gated off from the shrimping area. Some drunken restaurant goer killed a big time shrimper there. The man who told me this was very nice. But it took him telling me over and over again for me to "understand" the words. It was just so shocking. Like a novel. So there is history, but I don't know it all.

    I have not been hassled on that side of the creek, but there is not much over there photographically either.

    I am really scared when I am in a situation where a bunch of men are glaring at me and I can't understand a word they are saying. It is like being in a foreign country. That is the only analogy I can think of for hearing people. I do try working with it, but when they are hostile, it can go bad fast. And I am terribly polite to these people now. The time I was not was at least 10 yrs ago, and I was just so shocked that the father of someone I knew almost as a son would talk to me "like that". I think they had been drinking beers.....

    I will put my tagline back.

    Thanks, so much.
    I will never get the photos like the pelican again, but when I get the 400 lens, I can get "better/different" photos, I hope.

    These people, they actually sent me to another shrimpers property. Took him about a month to discover it, and he angrily told me to leave, too. I only heard the word "insurance". I don't know if I was there too much, if insurance is really a problem, or if it is an excuse they can use.

    I am meeting James Wegg this AM, have to hurry. He can tell you how little I can hear. Am meeting him and others from FM at 9, my husband will be coming, it is his only day off.

    ginger (I read lips, that is how I get along. Plus I have some hearing, it is just I can't "understand" the words. Being hard of hearing is a difficult thing to explain. It is not like eyes, corrected w glasses, sounds can be turned up, but only the ones that are there. They can blare, but the others are totally missing, so "we" are constantly solving the puzzle of the meaning of words/sentences, and "we" get totally lost and exhausted. Reading lips helps, but an accent can be the death of communication, if the accent is not "the usual" one understood. I cannot understand northerners anymore, and I grew up there.)

    Thanks so much for commenting.

    But murder on the creek??? That must have been something.
    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2005
    Actually the second photo is my favorite because I caught the man feeding the birds with my camera. He looks to see if I am there, then hides behind boxes.

    Maybe it is a privacy thing? I could guess til the cows come home. (or the birds, in this case.)

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • Osprey WhispererOsprey Whisperer Registered Users Posts: 3,803 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2005
    Interesting shots and story, Ginger. That's too bad you are getting so much trouble from these "shrimpers". Some people need to relax a bit. ne_nau.gif You need to photoshop them in some..ughm .. "shady" pictures and blackmail 'em. :uhoh

    You might be surprised what showing up with a 12 pack of beer would do for your shooting opportunities. thumb.gif1drink.gif

    Good luck.

    Mike McCarthy

    "Osprey Whisperer"
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2005
    Thanks for commenting Bird Man. Yes, I do wonder why they are so afraid to be photographed.

    Here in the south, there are people, blacks that I know of, who still think a picture can steal their souls. Also they paint their doors blue to ward of the "haints", and that is true, still, today in places.

    The basket ladies, and men, they will NOT let you take their photos, not at all.

    But the shrimpers?? Bill doesn't want to get involved. I am going to see if my daughter will look up her old boyfriend, tell him re my problem. Sara is very good at social things. But she does not like confrontation, so she might not want to either.

    I am afraid that any amt of beer I could bring them would be way too little, they are like a "little" clan of people. And I think it might be part of the problem, and I have no way of knowing that either.

    They do have a point re the danger on the docks. When I was allowed on them, I did think that someday someone was going to fall off, drown, and that would be that. But if they are insured, there must be some way I would be covered, too..........or something. Because I so much wanted access, and also did not want to dunk my camera and hearing aids, I have been super careful when on the docks, but others might not be. There are ropes, many ways to trip and fall off the docks.

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • ehughesehughes Registered Users Posts: 1,675 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2005
    Great Series and story Ginger,

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