I already allowed text in the frame for another entry that Pyro asked about, so.... the letters are pushing it but allowable. Technically though you are introducing a second title in the mix.
I took some time to make sure your red shoes were not beyond the basic editing criteria and they look to be within the stipulations
I already allowed text in the frame for another entry that Pyro asked about, so.... the letters are pushing it but allowable. Technically though you are introducing a second title in the mix.
I took some time to make sure your red shoes were not beyond the basic editing criteria and they look to be within the stipulations
Thanks for the comments everyone. Sean, I did go ahead and remove the text and re-submitted. As far as the red shoes go, I used the saturation layer to remove all color except red.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Sean, I did go ahead and remove the text and re-submitted. As far as the red shoes go, I used the saturation layer to remove all color except red.
This is clearly one of those times when being a Photoshop Guru and knowing all the different ways to make an effect come in verrrrrry handy
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
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I took some time to make sure your red shoes were not beyond the basic editing criteria and they look to be within the stipulations
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Thanks for the comments everyone. Sean, I did go ahead and remove the text and re-submitted. As far as the red shoes go, I used the saturation layer to remove all color except red.
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TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
This is clearly one of those times when being a Photoshop Guru and knowing all the different ways to make an effect come in verrrrrry handy
Nice image KevX (and nice to see you around!
Thanks divamum! I wasn't really feeling this theme until I had a word to go with the shoes. I'm happy with the result.
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