Does anyone know how to add watermarks to thousands of images at one time? if so, what programs do I need? I have Lightroom 2 and Photoshop 5. Can I do it with them?
I think you can set up a an action to do it in PS - but i havent done it. If its just for having a watermark - and not for a cool logo type watermark, i use Watermark Factory. Search it online and have a look. Its basic - but it served the need i had and its fast enough for me.
You can set up a Photoshop batch action.. it is a pain, though, and you need to make sure that all images are of exactly same size..
I haven't spent much time to figure out the different size issue, and got me the watermark mogrify plugin for LR... Works great.
FastStone Photo Resizer has a watermarking, texting, resizing and some other handy features for batch processing. It's simple, quick and with just enough features to be very handy. Use it post-pp for anything I web post.
Nikon Shooter
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If you were thinking about upgrading, LR3 has a built in watermarking tool.
Real men shoot in Manual Mode!
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I haven't spent much time to figure out the different size issue, and got me the watermark mogrify plugin for LR... Works great.
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Nikon Shooter
It's not the gear - it's the nut behind the camera.
For a how to for creating a scaling batch watermarking action (text or graphics), click here.
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