Here is a question for everyone.. and this is probably a matter of personal opinion.
Do you use your Company name as your signature?
Do you use your name as your signature?
I have been trying to decide which one I should use.
I would like to use my name, but for three years I have been using my company name. I thought this might confuse my customers and they won't remember where they got their photos from (Sometime down the road) but at the same time I have the smug branding with my company name and date taken on the back. So maybe using the company name is redundant and I should use my name for the siggy.
Do you use your Company name as your signature?
Do you use your name as your signature?
I have been trying to decide which one I should use.
I would like to use my name, but for three years I have been using my company name. I thought this might confuse my customers and they won't remember where they got their photos from (Sometime down the road) but at the same time I have the smug branding with my company name and date taken on the back. So maybe using the company name is redundant and I should use my name for the siggy.
Kandie Kingery
Stone Creek Photography
Equine and Historical Landscape Photographer.
New Mexico.
Become a fan of Stone Creek Photography
Stone Creek Photography
Equine and Historical Landscape Photographer.
New Mexico.
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Kandie Kingery
Stone Creek photography
©year Art Scott or Arthur Scott......since for copyright I use Arthur Scott.....that is my signature.
Over the uears I have had to change my business name a couple of times but I always had my
Signature on all of my work so even while i was not photographing for a few years I still got calls
asking if I would do a portrait or other photo to me the signature actually Kept me
being called even after the company was gone............and also a hundred years from now I do not
care if anyone remebers Art Scott Fotografie.........butI hope a lot of people remember Arthur Scott - the Photog.
You guys are always full of good suggestions!
Stone Creek Photography
Equine and Historical Landscape Photographer.
New Mexico.
Become a fan of Stone Creek Photography