Gallery not letting customer order pixs - HELP!!!
Hi...I just got a call from one of my customers. She advised me she has not been able to order pics from her gallery...its telling her "pictures are not for sale." I check my gallery settings and everything seems find. I have "yes" on "enable shopping cart." She also state she's able to go to other galleries and buy except the one with pix of her daughter.
Please advise....she's not too happy!:dunno
Thank you!
Please advise....she's not too happy!:dunno
Thank you!
"Art is Man's nature. Nature is God's art" ~ James Bailey
It sounds like you have your gallery / portfolio pricing set to 0.00. Take a look at the price setting tool, and see if that is the issue.
If not, then you may have printing turned off which you can change in the gallery settings for a desired gallery. If you have additional questions, email the help desk, and one of us will be happy to help.
-Kevin Wilson
SmugMug Support Hero