Self fullfillment
Ok, it seems like Smugmug will never add foreign currency transaction and will never add labs outside the US.
But is there a possibility for self-fullfillment?
My idea was that my customers order the prints through sumugmug.
And then the order will be send to me and I will send the products and the invoice to my clients. So no payment methode at Smugmug is involved, I just want to receive the orders. In Germany it is normal to just send invoices, maybe because it is so much easier here in Europe to do bank transfers.
In addition it would be nice to customize products since the world outside the U.S. is using the metric system. That would be awesome.
But is there a possibility for self-fullfillment?
My idea was that my customers order the prints through sumugmug.
And then the order will be send to me and I will send the products and the invoice to my clients. So no payment methode at Smugmug is involved, I just want to receive the orders. In Germany it is normal to just send invoices, maybe because it is so much easier here in Europe to do bank transfers.
In addition it would be nice to customize products since the world outside the U.S. is using the metric system. That would be awesome.
We hope to add this feature as well.
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Sorry I did not want to be misleading, but it was my impression that SM did not have much interest in implementing this. But I am glad to hear wheels are in motion :-) I hope it will not take years though :-)
What Smugmug should do is have self-fulfill items also be self-defined. In other words, having the very same products that SM already offers simply become self-fulfilled by the photographer is one thing. But letting the photographer also define their own products (such as a print measured in centimeters) and then self-fulfilling that, is better.
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I'm really pleased to hear this. I've looked at some of the videos etc. on the new(ish) Pro features and would really, really love to be able to use them.
Regarding the 'blanket statement', I think that until recently, your comments always indicated that the international-friendly options were pretty low on your (Smugmug's) priority list. More recently, I am seeing a few more positive indications. Looking forward to it.
Wedding Photographer Dublin
Jan and FrankC, I do not know if you have been to the SmugMug UserVoice "fourm" ( ) but you have to register to be able to vote.....multi- national currency has been something I have been yelling about nearly since the day (so it has been over 5 yrs) I first paid for my smug acct and also got on dgrin...........I do not know why you weren't asked to go for Mulit nation currency.....accrding to the powers this is how they decide what to implement next.....multi nation currency is 4th down and if the votes keep going up then it should get implemented help the cause go here - - register and vote for each item that you feel would help you and other europeans.......if we ever do get multi national currency and a lab in Europe then I may re-evalute haiving my orders fulfilled by Smumug........but until then I will just keep invliceing thru paypal and self fulling and mailing to my clients.....................
Hi Art - I voted for all three years ago
(i.e. Multi-currency, European Lab, Self-Fulfilment)
Looking forward to seeing them get to 'planned' status.
Wedding Photographer Dublin
It would be nice.........I know I still get emails asking Why i don't have multi-national on my site....i tell them I will send them prices in their least I am doing the converting and not making them do it......i give them 10 days to make order and then tell them I will invoice thru Paypal.....but even PayPal is not in every European country nor available in every country in the E.U. sometimes I just to resort to a Western Union Money Transfer and I do not like money transfers like that......but W.U. is safer than moneygram from my experience......................................
Good to hear, however the 3 requests relating to catering for non-US users (local labs, multi-currency purchase, self fulfillment) have been some of the most voted for requests in uservoice for a year or more. It's no wonder people are started to make assumptions.
Having been with smugmug for a number of years and waited patiently for such features (and voted on them), I'm now questioning how much longer I can wait for such features. My business is growing and getting clients to manually pick images from smugmug and give me a list so I can then invoice them in $AUS, and get local printing/framing etc is becoming hard to manage, not to mention a chore for my clients too. I need an 'automated' solution that reduces my workload but still works for my clients (ie. $USD is a major hurdle for clients, followed closely by shipping costs)
In Australia, we've just had a local company start up offering merchant style services (ie. galleries, proofing, payments etc) for a reasonable price although it's still more expensive then smugmug - but not much. I know one or two smuggers who've made the jump across and all reports are good that the service is up there. It would be a shame for smugmug to lose out to such businesses who have obviously identified and are starting to fill a gap in the market...
keep those wheels turning smugmug!