My daily photo and smugmaps!
This is one of those features you didn't know you need, but are absolutely ecstatic about! I believe in the business world they call this a "delight". A whole new dimension has been added to my journal style daily photo. I can map locations to all the places I go (which is a fair amount as I travel by motorcycle) and you can see them all. So cool!!!
:clap :clap :clap
The only downside is now I'm going to spend a good part of today going back through my daily photo galleries mapping at least the furthest away and coolest locations. I have real chores to do!!! :wxwax
:clap :clap :clap
The only downside is now I'm going to spend a good part of today going back through my daily photo galleries mapping at least the furthest away and coolest locations. I have real chores to do!!! :wxwax
Since 2004...
It *is* tres cool!
And I also agree that we need some s/w tool(s) that can helps us to automate this job. A lot of use have gobs of "traveling" pictures, and doing it by hand can eat out weeks and weeks from our lifes.
I already submitted the request of surfacing map data in smugmug API. If this is done it would be relatively easy to automate "mapping" process via 3d party tools (like S*E:-)
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
the face lift has changed some things on my journal, so I'm working on the look a little, but this map feature is so cool.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
in "customize" gallery settings there's a button to enable geography. then, under each pic, you can edit geography, typing in the lat/long or you can lookup the lat/long by address.
the camera mfgrs will someday soon have built in gps i'm sure
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