WTB: Nikon MF Lenses (Non Ai, Ai, Ai-S, Series E) + Accessories

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I am looking to add to my Nikon collection of Non Ai, Ai, Ai-S and Series E lenses. I am also interested in picking up any lens hoods/shades and boxes for any of the lenses as well. As long as the lenses are functional then condition isn't a huge issue, so let me know what you have as well as a price.
135 F2,8 Pristine condition - no filter - Orignal Box both caps
100 f2.8 " " no filters - Origianl Box "
50 F1.8 " " /w uv filter no box "
Complete Set - $410.00 Paypaled and S/H
Work perfectly on my D300.....focus confirm and metering...............
EDIT:6-20 AM
My prices are right in line with KEH and other camera stores also.......
I have several 105 f/1.8 and f/2.5 in excellent and better condition. I have a 50mm f/1.2, an 85mm f/1.4 both in excellent condition. I also have a 28mm f/2.0, a 35mm f/1.4, a 135 f/2.8, a 135mm f/2.0 with CPU chip, and a 50-135 zoom f/3.5 excellent condition. These are very high grade lenses and the prices shipped approximate those of KEH plus shipping. PM me if any of them interest you.