3 options for the Mega
Hey folks,
My first mega
Yay! I'm challenging myself here with something new to my skillset. I hope it is okay to ask for feedback on the Mega Challenge also?
I've already submitted one of these entries...but after reviewing 2 other options I started liking one of them better. Just wondering what you all thought.
Thanks for the input and inspiration everyone!
"The Fountain of Emergence"
Edited with reshoot photos which I am much happier with




My first mega

I've already submitted one of these entries...but after reviewing 2 other options I started liking one of them better. Just wondering what you all thought.
Thanks for the input and inspiration everyone!
"The Fountain of Emergence"
Edited with reshoot photos which I am much happier with






My Photostream
My Photostream

pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
THANK YOU pyro and Mike! Your input is greatly appreciated. Mike, I agree that seeing something coming out is much better for the theme...and Pyro, I'm with you on wishing I had elements from 2 different shots in one. I did a reshoot this afternoon and tried things a bit differently with manual focus and used off camera flash with remote trigger. I also used a tripod and had an lot more success with tighter focus. Anyhoo... here are TWO more potentials. Once again I'm thrilled with any feedback I receive. Good or bad! Thanks for looking
I think I'm partial to this one first as my new fav???? THOUGHTS???
Fountain of Emergence (obviously the water "emerging" is cool to see..but I'm also trying to stress that water IS the reason for life, for OUR emergence.
So..now 5 images to choose from... THANKS again! I'm tending to think either the one already submitted #3 or from the new shoot #4.
My Photostream
Just a quick two cents from me. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the cropped composition on #3 and the beautiful blue. Your timing is perfect! My only feeling is I see these shots alot, and I believe I'm 'conditioned' to want a little more focus thru the image (not sure if that makes sense). On the submission, you shot at f2, which may explain my feeling it was just a hair soft. But in actuality I wonder if what I 'feel' as soft, is actually a limited dof?
My Photostream