Best Plants For Bugs
Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
I'm wondering if there are any plants that are particularly attractive to bugs. I know I could google this, but I wanted to know what plants you guys have that work well for getting cool looking bugs. What works best? Thanks.
Many herbaceaous perennials are good- eg margeurites.I've just about accidently managed to have something flowering in the garden from January to October - haven't used insectacide in the garden for over 20 years but don't get serious outbreaks of any pests, the bugs just get controlled by natural predators etc. One other point is I always collect Autumn leaf falls and scatter them around the bases of the plants. Good for the plants but also good for bugs to overwinter and hide in.
Brian V.
Also, the dragonflies I get are VERY sensitive (If I come within 10 feet it will scram). Are there any plants that attract lots of non-sensitive dragonflies?
Thanks so much.
thats normal , plants wont change that
try shooting early in the morning ,
when they are not warmed up yet
Re dragonflies - Rather depends on the species but darters will happily perch on canes in sunny positions and you can gradually get them used to you being close. Also obviously depends on how the dragonfly is feeling. I've now managed to get darters, Broad bodied chasers and hawker dragonflies perched on my fingers.
Brian v.
Well, I have not done nearly as well in this respect as Brian, but I have two observations that might help. First, there is a big difference among species. E.g., I have found that violet tail damselflies are far less skittish than the smaller bluets. Second, I have found that they tend to be less skittish if approached from their own level or below. Coming at them from above seems to scare them off more quickly. I have found this with some other types of bugs as well.
but , i agree on approaching angle , and is obvious
main predators [birds] come from above , not from below