Baby girls - 2 pics for feedback pls
My first post - scary! A little dramatic maybe, but you all or so talented - I'm nervous. I'm a newbie and I learn something new every shoot, so please be brutally honest because I want to learn from you. Thank you!
These are two of my favorites, but I feel like they were happy accidents and I would love to hear what you think. If you like them, why? And if you don't, how can I improve?
These are two of my favorites, but I feel like they were happy accidents and I would love to hear what you think. If you like them, why? And if you don't, how can I improve?
Comments feedback. I wish I could see these photos bigger..They are adorably sweet and lighting is wonderful. The only nits I have are with the crops. Particularly in would have been wonderful to see that left hand. It is gorgeous though and nothing will take that away! In #2 you have super catch lights on the eyes! Great job with the lighting. Just a touch more shoulder-arm on the right would have been a bonus, but it is a wonderful capture!
Thanks for sharing. Look forward to more pics!
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